1llamarampage will write again

I’ve never once been interested in anything she’s done. She doesn’t have a lot of character in herself from what I can see, and always seems to struggle with meaty characters because of it. Who’s so captivated by Margot Robbie that they’re going against sense and wisdom to keep casting her?

Absolutely. I know people who are awful to their parents, but I never considered it in that light until those people were also adults. Then, they’re awful. Before then, they’re kids being fucking kids, who are by definition dumb and mostly out of their own control. I 100% believe OP’s parents but also acknowledge that

I think it’s worth noting that John Waters sees poor white people as his people, which is why he can portray them in ways that are both truthful and kind. No one who ever for a second looked down on a population and judged them could ever manage to do that.

Untrue. It was cancelled due to low ratings and Fuller has spent a significant amount of time since then lobbying to find another platform for it. I have no idea what you get out of lying about the order of events of a very public and researchable incident, but good luck with that weird little hobby.

You seem to be real confused about how TV cancellations work, specifically who calls the shots on what gets cancelled when.

Because he didn’t follow through with the agreement. Using fraud to obtain commercial sex is trafficking.

Luckily, the law doesn’t care if you “buy it,” and despite the claims of others in the comments, this case isn’t “legally murky.” The law is clear - using force, fraud, or coercion to obtain labor (in this case, the labor in question is a commercial sex act) is human trafficking. A person can consent to an act of

The fact that this piece was written by a Beckie, spelled like that, suggests that someone’s being trolled. Or maybe it’s everyone, readers, Beckie-with-an-ie, Beckie’s parents who gave that name to an innocent baby, the Splinter folks, everyone.

Thank you! It means everything to me and it’s going SO WELL!

When is a UK colleague of yours going to do exactly this article but about Walker’s Prawn Cocktail crisps? Because I will be all over the comments section for that one. Every time I fly through the UK, my duty-free shop purchases are: three bags of Prawn Cocktail crisps (plus one of Roast Chicken and one of

Right? I was trying to explain the Jimmy Carr QI masterpiece where he was given a magnetic board full of random letters, and produced the magnificent phrase “Put Smarties tubes on cats’ legs, make them walk like a robot” to a friend, and they derailed the entire conversation (and significantly diminished their own

At my old retail job (Smithsonian, so semi-federal) we got double time for shit like that, but at least she’s getting SOMETHING.

I just bought a bunch of work clothes & some winter boots I couldn’t afford yesterday - I’ve just started a new job, in a much-colder state, and my first paycheck hasn’t hit yet. I never judge people for taking advantage of a sale that exists to be taken advantage of. All my considerable ire exists only for the

To answer the question: yes, absolutely, as long as we’re talking about online Black Friday. I’m not willing to bludgeon a woman with my purse for a cheap TV.

I made homemade cranberry sauce for the first time last year, and now I’m actually enraged every time I think about it because it’s so easy, and tastes so much better than the canned crap. Opening the can is just barely easier than making it from scratch, and the taste is so much better if you do it properly. Canned

Congratulations on having the most condescending and unsympathetic take possible for people in very difficult situations who have never done you harm. That high horse better feel amazing for how much of an asshole it makes you look.

Lol, like I need a PhD in hang gliding to know this is among the most-dangerous variations of the sport. Pointing that out isn’t the inanity you seem to think it is.

Sorry, I didn’t realize “24 and never been kissed” was synonymous with “an emotional child with no sense of appropriate boundaries or how to behave with other humans.” I get that the lack of experience is part of why LW got into this situation, but the fable-spinning and the micromanaging tendencies don’t actually

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head with the childlike imagination + adult concepts idea. It’s like they’ve spent so much time thinking about what relationships might be like like that at the first hint of ANY kind of relationship, including platonic, they jumped all over it and now they’re in a soap opera plot

I think it’s important to point out that while, yes, the boy in question is trash and we’ve all met that exact same kind of trash, the LW is also being very naive and immature, and in a way where I think most of us have been that person, too.