1llamarampage will write again

The bit you excerpted is exceptionally cringe-inducing. I’m a little bit older than “late 20's,” but I’m pretty close, and I cannot. fucking. imagine what I would have felt like at 29 to realize that some 24-year old coworker I hung out with sometimes was considering micromanaging my life for fear that if they didn’t,

I dunno about that. It’s fine for you to not be willing to accept an apology, or feel better, or forgive Lous C.K. for the shit he’s done. You don’t need to find reasons that the apology isn’t good enough to justify that - you just don’t want to! I think it’s a good apology, which doesn’t mean anything about the way

Thanks! I don’t know if you remember, but about a year ago I mentioned to you that I was trying to get into immigration services work, and that finally went through! So yeah, I’m very excited!

I’m moving to Minneapolis from Virginia RIGHT NOW (no joke, that is literally a thing I’m doing) and the fact that both places did the same important thing at the same time is making me feel so good about this move.

Absolutely. The reason “why he did it” is obvious (he was a longtime violent abuser, he did it because someone he was abusing wasn’t compliant enough to his abuse, so he decided to punish them and everyone around them). This is a distraction from the real problem, which is why someone with a long history of violent

My best friend from Sudan became a U.S. citizen a few weeks ago, and when she voted in the VA election today, it was her first time voting in her life. I know it takes the participation of all of us to make these important things happen, but in my opinion her individual vote was crucial to this success. 

I feel so conflicted about the cathedral. On the one hand, I enjoy anything that allows me to see things as they were and get even the slightest feel of what it might have been like to experience them as the original users did. On the other hand, that wasn’t just straight dirt that was removed - it was the soot of

Am I supposed to eat Papa John’s or not?

It’s also so funny to me that one of the only characters who is just profoundly bad (never gets a funny line to make you like him for a moment, never gets a glimmer of backstory to explain himself) is Mr. Wheeler, a man who we have all known 20 of, the banalest of all evils. He’s presented as truly reprehensible in a

Exactly. No one who punches his son and accuses him of being gay simply for looking at himself in the mirror is going to be super-psyched and “welcome to the family!” when they get Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?’d by their 13-year-old daughter.

You are never more than 252,088 miles away from the moon.

See, roaches are gross and I Do Not Like Them, but after living in Sudan in an apartment where they were there in huge quantities when I moved in and only seemed to multiply, and there’s no such career as pest exterminator, I learned how to basically deal. I went through two big cans of poison spray a week, and each

Privilege is enough to get you into Yale. Privilege is never going to get you into Yale at 15, otherwise every Hilton and Trump would have done it.

Tens of people have already hit him up with the necessary discussion of why his opinions are bad and wrong (and there is literally no other sensible way to engage) at varying levels of politeness, only to have fucking War and Peace written at them on the subject of how he can’t even be held accountable for remembering

Also however OCD makes you write, I’m unaware of a manifestation of it that prevents you from casting an editing eye over what you wrote before you hit “publish.” I acknowledge it’s a mere armchair diagnosis, but that sounds more like a desperate thirst to see one’s own nonsense in print making one sloppy, to me.

I don’t know how I could possibly be clearer: Getting sober is worthwhile. The advice you’re giving to achieve that sobriety won’t work and is destructive, and you are a bad person for spreading such nonsense. I hope that’s clear enough for you.

An excuse for everything, and everything an excuse. Other people’s privilege isn’t even in the top 20 of your problems. The tendency to whine and overexplain when even the smallest admission of fault would be better has got to crack the first 3, though.

I know you’re prone to making dumb comments on the internet and then writing endless screeds on the internet defending them. From a real brief glance at your latest comment, you also are so comfortable with your ignorance that you can’t even keep straight the names of the people involved (Dylan IS the sister - the

Yes, I’m sure the only thing standing between you and graduating from Yale Law at 21 was your lack of one acting parent who’s been out of the limelight for decades and another, estranged parent who’s a sexual predator with a sideline in directing.

The most disgusting thing I’ve ever witnessed IN MY LIFE involved a house centipede. My grandpa’s house had them. At one point, we thought we had a mouse living in the kitchen cabinets (turned out those “droppings” were a burst teabag) and he put a glue trap down. I come down in the morning to find a centipede had