1llamarampage will write again

I’m about to blow your mind - I poop like once every 3 days. Which is on the tail end of the bell curve of regular. So are you, but in the other direction.

Counter-anecdote: My most nervous male friend (so nervous he once went swimming with me and did “laps” by hand-over-handing along the side of the pool) once told me in a conversation about public restrooms that he is fine with public restrooms except when there is “an embarrassing escape of gas.” Which, let me tell

Bey looks like she’s got nothing but a swipe of mascara and a nude lip on, which just accentuates how supremely gorgeous she is.

Right? Believe me when I say that my family is crazy and through my life I’ve done and put up with all sorts of things that are objectively insane because they are just weird, crazy people. But I’m going to need a little more detail before I accept that a couple “has” to invite a sister they both despise to their very

As a six-foot person who loves a bath, I feel you. I can never move out of my current house ever, because it came with an original custom-made bathtub that’s slightly longer and much, much deeper than normal.

Taft is my favorite president, mainly because when asked, he said that being Chief Justice was his achievement he was most proud of. As it should be, in my opinion - being responsible for the correct dispersal of justice for the nation should always be a more revered and noble job than the executive. The fact that he

I didn’t know any of this about Kevyn Aucoin - all I knew was that a lipstick from his line was my first grown up/non drugstore stick, and it’s still my signature everyday color. The difference in quality is unbelievable. I’m glad to know more about the line’s namesake, who seems like a genuinely interesting guy.

I was going to star this because Annie Lennox is awesome and I’m jealous, but I’ve always really loved Westlife and cannot let the implied Westlife dig pass.

Not only is the relief situation different in the U.K., but the fact that Children in Need/Comic Relief/Sports Relief funding drives take place once a year each and not ad hoc in the face of disasters means that you get actual good programming as part of the drive for donations, instead of weird badly-arranged

Right? “I feel it is right for each of these people to liquidate one of their properties and donate the proceeds to this effort” is an absolutely insane take for a bunch of reasons, but at least it bears some resemblance to how wealth works in reality.

Don’t be cruel to yourself - unless you look like a potato that got forgotten at the back of a cabinet for months, you don’t look like Old Potatoface Renner.

I couldn’t agree more. The fact that citizens have to donate to disaster relief and medical bills for their friends and strangers is proof that we’ve regressed back to “alms for the poor” medieval standards of social safety net. Protecting citizens from acts of god (both by setting risk-mitigating standards before

It’s incredible to me how many of the comments on here are advocating things that are either illegal, totally unnecessary given the scenario outlined by the letter-writer, or both. Like, it’s meant to be advice, not a chance for you as the advice-giver to pull your meager inches over some violent fantasy of

Right? My family loves me and would protect/support me to the hilt, but “I have a lazy and annoying boyfriend” isn’t within the world of shit family members need to stage interventions for unless you’re living in some paternalistic quasi-medieval fantasy realm.

I haven’t been to a boring, bad, or unpleasant wedding since my half-sister’s very large and tacky one in the mid-90's, when I was like 13. Every wedding I’ve been to as an adult has been a fun and touching celebration of people I either adore (my friends’ weddings) or just met but am willing to gamble on being

I find myself feeling more fatalistic and helpless in the face of this emerging research than I do in response to almost anything else - I can watch eggs move back and forth from “good for you” to “bad for you” every other week, and I can take that information onboard and let it influence my choices without succumbing

I don’t like Secretary (and regularly feel like the only kinky person on earth who doesn’t worship at its feet), but I co-sign what you’re saying here. Secretary was clearly written by people who had at least a passing familiarity with real-life kink culture, because while it’s an unrealistic fantasy it’s an

I’m surprised nobody seems to have mentioned the History Extra Podcast in the comments yet.I love history, but I stopped listening to other history podcasts because I found the format annoying - The British History podcast had far too heavy a dose of “Now, this is going to be confusing, but if you pay attention and

This I agree with. There’s a point where you can put in your ZIP code, but even when I put in the code for a city that’s on the chart right next to the entry box (Bowie, MD), it came back as ‘no match found.’

Yeah, I’m definitely going to trust your gut feeling about this instead of the researchers who have clearly mapped out every abortion clinic operating in the country and used that data to develop a map showing that you’re wrong.