1llamarampage will write again

This is the part I don’t get. “Guys who just want sex are gross” plus “I want to have sex with guys who just want to have sex.” On the one hand, yeah, her specific interests and preferences are going to narrow down her dating pool, but on the other, she has to deal with that and actually start targeting her actual

Yeah, this article doesn’t even get into how profoundly bad Trump is at negotiating - the GOP wanted to extend the debt limit 10 months, so the next time they’d have to deal with this wouldn’t be until after the midterm elections. Apparently there was talk in some corners about a 6-month extension, which at least

No one cares about your hobby, Cynthia.

No two (presumably) unrelated people have never looked more alike.

If you ever get a chance, you should talk to some lawyer of your acquaintance about this. Any lawyer worth their salt will tell you, don’t co-operate with cops. Always ask to have a lawyer present for any interaction you have with cops. Playing nice with cops doesn’t win you goodie points. It doesn’t make them like

I didn’t realize how uniquely DC this is (I grew up there, expected to live in a situation like this until/unless I married) until about my late-20's. And it’s absurd, because while you’re still in the liminal space between college and the Big Bucks and/or Dual Incomes, it’s a great way to live. I’m in my early 30's

All my favorite comfort foods are Depression Foods, which means they need to be simple enough that I can make them even though my executive processing is all gone to shit, while remaining delicious enough to be worth going through the trouble of buying and preparing them, even when a solid 90% of me would rather just

Also, must be said, these people put their lives on the line in a very literal way, same as every serviceperson. Even if it was some sort of substantial burden (which it is not), pay for their fucking transition. It’s the fucking least we can do as a nation.

I want to believe you, as I am interested in buying sour cream in new and more convenient formats, but a friend’s experience tells me that squeeze sour cream still separates into solids and whey, and the whey tends to leak all over your fridge if you’re not very fastidious about closing the lid properly.

Listen, what I’m about to say is going to sound weird as fuck, but please believe me - if there’s an Arab grocery near you, get your canned tuna from them. I lived in Sudan for a while, and pretty quickly I noticed that there were only two items you could get there that were comparable to or better than what you can

Your point about Black people’s complete lack of 2nd amendment rights is important and true, and I’m not trying to diminish that, but it should be known that statistically, ALL gun owners are more likely to be killed (or kill a family member, or have a family member killed) than saved by their guns.

Oh, wow. Susan Collins was being kind.

Lol what possible purpose could there be for even manufacturing an envelope with a window that large? You might as well slap a stamp right above the letter head and send your mail naked through the system.

I know, right? They didn’t even scream. If this was me, you’d barely be able to hear the thunder crack over the sound of me yelling.

If they only went extinct 300 years ago, I really doubt those were “fossils” that those scientists were studying.

Especially since Shaw/Howard both is and is adjacent to some of the best food areas of DC.

Lol, bye Bannon.

The only important information I learned from this is: we both have cats named the same weird thing.

In early Catholic theology, original sin is passed down through the mother, from Eve. Christ can’t be both free from sin and have a normal human mother. Therefore, God kind of lays the table for the eventual impregnation of Mary with Jesus by making her be born without original sin. It doesn’t make sense, but it made