I Lived Across the Street from a Roma Encampment for Years, and it was Fine just isn’t a great headline, but it’s true.
I Lived Across the Street from a Roma Encampment for Years, and it was Fine just isn’t a great headline, but it’s true.
You should look up some laws yourself. Roma people are considered asylum seekers in the US.
Someone or something. We had a lush patch of tomato plants growing around our pool because the birds would carry the seeds over from our neighbor’s garden.
It’s super racist. A friend-of-a-friend who I only know about through Facebook has a kid named Gypsy, and it’s about as pig-ignorant as naming your child the n-word.
When male actors go nude for a role, they’re “daring” or “brave” or “honest.” When female actors do the same, it’s often billed at the time as a necessary cost of building a resume that will later be used as a stick to beat you with.
A land route of a thousand miles through South Sudan, again, one of the least-infrastructured and most violent places on earth. Forgive me if I don’t see the similarities between that and, lol, Canadian Club.
I agree with the first part of your statement, but as to the second I think it’s very possible to want to look your best on the day of a very serious cultural touchstone without buying in to “princess culture,” the “wedding industrial complex,” or any other string of words that basically means you are being sold a big…
I don’t know why you think people in Sudan would have had a drink native to Tanzania (like, genuinely, from southern Sudan to northern Tanzania is like a thousand miles, plus you’re passing through some of the least-infrastructured parts of the world to make that trip, AND you’re crossing the very real cultural…
Lady, don’t judge me for what I do with my old shits.
Almost all the accoutrements for a wedding - venue, food, flowers, decorations, and many other items that may or may not be present, not to mention the hotel and transportation arrangements made by one’s guests - are non-refundable and non-negotiable.
For me, it’s not the taste, it’s the smell - something about that smell just goes straight to the lizard part of my brain and says firmly “This is going to make you sick,” so I feel nauseous before it’s even hit my lip. The only other thing that’s given me that feeling was natto, the japanese slimy fermented soybeans.
All I need to know about Johnnie Walker is that when I lived in Sudan, you could get exactly two types of alcohol on the black market - “White,” which was no-brand shitty vodka, and “Red,” which was Johnnie Walker Red Label. I had one sip of the stuff and resigned myself to drinking a lot of shitty no-brand vodka for…
Hey, now, being so snobbish you refuse to learn the basic facts of various normal parts of life (and/or pretending that you don’t know those basic facts to prove some sort of weird point to strangers) knows no gender, color, creed, or socioeconomic status.
Reading your comments, I’m literally sure that’s true.
Um, who do you think you’re supposed to report the situation to if, for example, you come home to find all your stuff has been stolen but the theif is gone? I’m not saying the dress thing was an appropriate reason to call 911, but actual theft is exactly and specifically an appropriate reason to do so.
Right? Whether the specific instance is something you approve of or not, if you can’t empathize with someone paying money for a good or service and then receiving no goods and no services and having their money literally disappear with no accountability and through no fault of their own, then you’ve got bigger…
It’s not just the cost of the dress - it’s also the fact that they are almost always made-to-measure (you pick out the dress you like which is then altered to fit your measurements exactly) or heavily altered both for fit and for taste (you can often get the peripherals of the dress like sleeves, sashes, and other…
That Jesus is definitely 100% one of the Tender Men discussed in another Jezebel post today. Beware of him.
So many questions, but most pressing is, what’s with the name? Sassy is a label that indicates what’s in the can. Brio reads as something come up with by a working group and then focus grouped to death to ensure that it means nothing, says nothing, is the de rigueur two syllables and wins the contest for “most likely…