1llamarampage will write again

The real question is what the fuck were you doing drinking Fernet in college? I never even tasted it until I was going through my “I wish I lived in a garrett” phase while living in Prague.

There exists no process to remove and replace a major party nominee for President less than a month before the election, whereas literally every job (including President) has a carefully-defined series of actions that can be taken to end someone’s employment. Like, that may not be ideal, but it’s fair.

Right? I don’t even have a dick, but if any internet rando asked me if my dick was bigger than literally anyone’s, I would defend my huge hypothetical dick to the hilt.

They’re tied in Utah in the most recent poll, that’s true, but that doesn’t mean Clinton actually has a chance of winning Utah.

Well, in August he still had 4 months to pull it together, and a lot of downballot Republicans still felt their best bet at re-election was to keep their wagon hitched to his dubious star. Since neither of those are true any longer, at this point, I would say confidence (but not complacency) is an appropriate emotion.

Politico has a great piece about just that this morning - namely, among evangelicals, who remains in Trump’s camp, who’s leaving, who was never in, and why. As the election winds on, I’m enjoying these closer looks at voting blocs I’m not a part of that are generally treated as monolithic.

I didn’t but I’m gonna stick it into the reading rotation for tomorrow!

Let’s be real, black men have always historically carried the standard for American masculine fashion. It’s a shame that all their best innovations always get watered-down for the Peoria to Poughkeepsie set.

He’s both British and an actor. The Brits have a much higher tolerance for flash in men’s suiting, and he’s not doing something where he’s supposed to look stately and sober. But I can imagine Trump in exactly that cut, in a black or navy suit - I agree that the tan shoes are boss on Frost, but even that is probably a

They are literally all in front of the same background, and I’m not sure I’d call “black is slimming” a Photography 101 trick.

This is the perfect example. The heavyset guy looks like he lost 20 pounds and got a facelift just from an amazing suit and a grown-up haircut.

Here’s a grosser suggestion that I just thought of - He uses his super-long tie in case he gets an inappropriate boner (once you start popping that Viagra, you don’t necessarily know when it’s going to kick in, you know?)

You could make at least two appropriately-sized ties out of that one.

FLOTUS is a six-foot woman carved by God. If she “goes high” on you, your fool head is coming off.

This is great info! I would love to get a suit made-to-measure (I’m a lady, but I would kill for a suit that’s just... a suit, not some overly nipped-in “let’s make sure everyone knows you still have boobs” mess). I have a small collection of bookmarks of places to try once I actually have money.

I think Penn’s weight fluctuates a bit, so sometimes he gets stuck in his 20-pounds-heavier suit when he doesn’t need to. You’re absolutely correct that in this picture, it looks like that suit was cut for his body the morning the photo was taken, and it makes an incredible difference.

Teeth is an amazing movie. Your boyfriend may usually make bad horror picks, but in this case he chose a good one.

Damn you, because of this I had to scroll back up and look again, and you’re absolutely right but now my eyes are bleeding from the repeat exposure.

Right? If nearly the sum total of Group 1 shifts over time to become members of Group 2, and Group 2 has relatively few members that were not originally part of Group 1, then is it really wrong to use Group 1's name and terminology when referring to Group 2? Or is that a useful semantic tool to signal that basically,

I must have serious monster acne, then, because I’m doing my part and I still have blemishes.