1llamarampage will write again

I would love this, but it would definitely kill me, because I would try to sing along and holding some of those notes leaves me in danger of passing out when I’m not also trying to get an intensive stationary bike workout at the same time.

I’m not a Trump supporter, and you need to work on your reading comprehension if you’re going to be communicating via a text-based medium like a comment section.

Lol! I haven’t read it yet, but I bought the Kindle edition of his brand-new autobiography, No Cunning Plan (the physical book isn’t coming out in the US until February). He was on the BBC’s History Extra podcast (which I think every Time Team fan would love as I do) talking about it, and it sounds really good. He

Oh my god the size of those vape clouds is no joke. I was at an outdoor event with a long line recently (a cemetery tour that was only letting in a certain number of people at a time and letting a line build outside) and I was 20 feet away inside the cemetery when someone waiting in line started vaping and suddenly a

I didn’t read all four sentences, sorry, but I can say that if you think a 5-percentage-point difference in the popular vote is “close” in modern American politics, then this must be your very first time at this particular rodeo.

Well, and also partisanship. Not all of that 40% is left-behind uneducated racists, some of them are also weighing their options between a powerhouse woman who will definitely appoint justices and other officials who have the power to do things that they (the Republican voters) don’t like, versus someone who might not

The reason he’s still around is because he’s the Republican party’s nominee for President and they can’t get rid of him. They couldn’t manage it earlier because they have a serious leadership deficit, and they can’t manage it now without damaging the national brand, so their best hope is that the stink of Trump will

Bush deserves what he gets. Egging on and encouraging someone while they describe the ease with which they can assault women is a situation that should rebound professionally on public figures.

I think that may be the needle they’re trying to thread, because at this point Clinton probably really does think she’s gonna be president, and it may be worth it to try to cut down on talks about a post-inauguration “coronation” or an “illegitimate election” if, for example, Trump were to literally drop out. It’s a

Where are the “only slightly more expensive” Stuart Weitzman’s you’re claiming exist?

Was it gross, creepy, ill-advised, and everything in between, on Bill Clinton’s part, to sleep with a much-younger woman who worked for him? Absolutely. But Lewinsky says it wasn’t rape, and she’s the ultimate authority on the subject.

I disagree. I think the American political memory is hugely long regarding issues that people care about. The only question is, what are people going to care about in 2020 and beyond? That’s hard to gauge. But you’ve seen the profound rejection of Trump’s argument that his “locker-room talk” was 11 years ago as a

Is that your read? I think his political career is over, and overall that the “supported Trump in ‘16" is going to be the new “voted yes for war in Iraq in ‘02.”

Yeah. At one point a few months ago someone was talking about how they couldn’t pity her because she walked into her situation “with eyes wide open” and I was like, if you take one look at any picture of her you will see that that literally is not true.

Listen, that girl is probably smart enough to know that she doesn’t want the kind of attention Ivanka’s getting from their father.

This whole thing is like the binders of woman situation on every upper ever manufactured.

Sure, but how much difference does it have to make? He’s got 40% of the vote and almost no support from his party. He can’t win the election with that, and I bet after tonight you’re going to see those levels of support go down pretty precipitously, and you’re certainly not going to see them go up. If what you’re

I’m deeply pro-life in the specific case of the Trump campaign. I don’t want Trump to step down. I don’t want the conversation, two or three or seventy years from now, to be about how Clinton, the first woman President, wasn’t ~*really*~ elected because the GOP didn’t run a candidate. I think we all know by now that

Right? I watched Tony Robinson make an English civil-war era cannonball on Time Team, and the process was fascinating but ended in a solid metal ball that was effective because you shot it across a crowded field at knee-height and ferocious speed. I wasn’t aware that they’d ever changed from that basic configuration.

You could literally make better choices on the basis of flipping a coin.