1llamarampage will write again

Absolutely. If Jay put his marriage to Bey in jeopardy for the sake of sucking face with someone like Iggy, then he’s far stupider than his decades-long career across multiple platforms suggests.

Exactly. The Song of Ice and Fire is not not not about the scramble for the throne - it’s actually about how people will viciously fight each other to be king of the mountain while devastating forces gather that they will only be able to overcome if everybody works together.

I actually FAILED at planning my own 30th birthday party, which I think is a hell of a lot sadder than planning your own 40th birthday party with the kind of budget that I assume Melissa Joan Hart has. (I wound up going on a trip to London, Orkney, and Norway for my 30th, so don’t cry for me, Argentina).

During the DC blizzard this winter, I got up to use the bathroom, turned around, and realized there was a Huge Fucking Deer in my yard, about 10 feet from my window. I live in a townhouse, so my yard is approximately 7 feet wide, and the deer took up easily 6 feet of it from side to side, and was a hell of a lot

Shit, even cows are big enough and spook-able enough to be legitimate hazards to life and limb. An elk? Does not know what the fuck is going on with you, human, and has not had a lifetime of putting up with your various bullshit to inure it to your weirdness. Respect the personal space of the elk. Do not stick a

I kind of don’t get why you’d buy something from a “bridal” collection in any case - they’re always that weird mix of boring and overly frilly, and expensive. Designers make white or subtly-colored dresses in their non-bridal collections, and they’re often more interesting AND cheaper (within the range of the designer

Hey. It’s okay. You did the right thing. I’m so happy to hear that your dog got to know the truth that there is at least one loving, kind person who will keep him safe in the world. It’s too bad that you couldn’t show him that there is more than just one, but he was so lucky to find someone like you regardless.

I got James and the Giant Peach for Christmas the year I turned 5, and that’s the book that changed my life (because I have no idea what my life would have been like if I hadn’t loved reading, and if reading hadn’t helped me develop an easy, confident writing style). I know it doesn’t seem like it, but you’re not far

Some of the state GOPs also have unbound delegates - they’re essentially superdelegates.

Exactly. There’s a LOT of reasons why the Democrats have never had an insane Trumpian manchild run in their race (and most of them have nothing to do with Dems being “better” - to my mind, it has more to do with the two-party system setting both groups in opposition on everything, so anything one party is the other

Right? I’m so glad reviewing looks is not my job. Everyone looks so bad, I’d have struggled to find anything nice to say. Agree on Gigi’s hair AND Farrah’s steez - on someone like Jessica Chastain, looking too big for the event is understandable. On Farrah Abraham, trying the same thing and trying it with a skintight

I was food-poisoned just last week. The first day, it was all vomit. Vomit, vomit, vomit. I figured I was just going to barf for a few days.

I just got food-poisoned last week! It was pretty home-manageable, so I didn’t go to the doctor and have no idea what version of food poisoning I had, but I definitely had the full day of repeated vomiting followed by like four days of absolutely liquid shits approximately every half-hour. By the end of the first day

My school had fun dances, held in the barely-dressed-up lunchroom, and the whole high school was invited to all of them, because it was so small. I had a great time at all of them, because otherwise I was a total shut-in, so it was literally my only opportunity to see friends outside of school - and there was music!

I do love that stuff, but I can’t help but laugh that some parent (possibly even more than one!) was sending something like that to school in their first-grader’s lunches. In Alaska, no less. I thought they all commuted to school by snowmobile with moose jerky in their rucksacks. I guess they’re actually just as

I love hearing about this! I’ve said like 20,000 times that if I had the money I’d go back to school to train as an osteoarchaeologist - the idea that you can know so much about individuals by looking at their bones soothes the part of me that’s made depressed by how much of the past as it was really lived is just

The article points out several internationally popular shows with nearly-entirely-black casts, though.

See, you can understand painfully basic comparisons and symbolism when you try! I hope you feel you’ve grown as a person.

Oh, but when you decide that a book you just heard of is “shit” and you want to get in my face about my word choices, we’re all supposed to nod and think that’s reasonable?

I don’t want to question too harshly the places people turn to for help in their darkest hour, but I can’t even get Siri to understand that when I ask it to find me a gas station, I mean a gas station in front of me, in the direction that I am already traveling, and not one that requires a U-turn or long detour