1llamarampage will write again

I once watched a guy say something agonizingly stupid here on Gawker, and another commenter went after him for it - to which the original poster replied “But I’ve always liked you!” as though your silent approval of a person shields you from their criticism forever, even when you’re being a dumbfuck in public.

No one deserves to be spoken to the way Trump routinely speaks to women, but can you imagine any woman more prepared to handle his moronic outbursts? “Unfazed” doesn’t even scratch the surface.

Thanks boo.

That’s the initial treatment my exterminator is going to use, but I need to get everything washed and sealed away before he comes in and does it - and it’s taken since Thanksgiving and I’m still only 65% done, hopeful estimate.

Every time someone comes to bother me in my cubicle, I notice I’m hunched like Mr. Burns. It’s only when I realize that I’m being seen that I notice this.

They may not be the worst thing, but they’re easily top 10.

Luggage is actually one of their favorite vectors. You stay in a hotel with bedbugs, they get into your luggage, then when you get home you put your luggage on the bed to unpack and bam - bedbugs for everyone.

Except for the “in 40 years” part. You could change that to “in 40 minutes,” and it would be equally true, since nearly everybody does believe both of those things.

Can you imagine if there’d been a norovirus outbreak onboard during this cruise? The joy on those poor sad people’s faces as their martyr complexes come true, and they realize the government really is trying to poison them, now, when they’re all together!

By contrast, my cat doesn’t even get her own BED, and is forced to share mine. Clearly I’ve been neglecting her.

The poor and uneducated are breeding more than the rest...

But... but then how can Vicky soothe her regrets when she’s 60 and still working in lower-middle-management, and Jennifer S. just got moved into the open office on her floor, even though she was hired 3 weeks after Vicky was and Vicky’s still stuck in a cubicle, and also Vicky once saw her stealing a salad out of the

Someone here once said, in paraphrase, that if you ever get a large number of young people alone without their parents for long enough, it’s only a matter of time before someone looks at that situation and thinks “Oh how nice. A harem.” Which is now what I think of every time one of these stories, about boarding

Lol. This is more fun and less mean-spirited than the person I’m talking with in another thread, where I’m acting really offended that she called me a cunt but really I’m just trying (and succeeding) to get her to say other disgusting bullshit while she’s desperate to double down.

It’s pretty easy to be self-righteous when the other party is a moron: all you do is point out a basic fact, and the other person spouts slurs and phobic statements. I’m never going to get the chance to talk to Trump - I imagine this isn’t that different, although I imagine you’re going to take a little longer to work

Actually, that’s just my skill at googling before I open my damn mouth. Is this like magic to you, like if I went back and time and explained to the early Europeans that if they wash their hands after they take a shit, they’ll get sick less often? Do you think the lesson will take as long to sink in for them as it

No, just making a reasonable assumption that someone who will excuse their own hate speech with “Well you were mean to me!” is probably disgusting in at least a few other ways, too.

Right, and you only threw that soda in the McDonald’s employee’s face because they forgot you ordered no pickles, and you only scream at strangers in public when you’re tired - but sure, double down on your actions, because “stupid” is definitely 100% the same as using an actual slur because you embarrassed yourself

Hard to say. How many slaps does it take to teach someone not to pull out “cunt” and personal attacks every time someone points out you showed your ass in public, ‘cause whatever sheepdog they left to raise you clearly didn’t get it right.

Some things will never come clean, though, No-Mi Skye. And I’ve only got this one body.