1llamarampage will write again

I hate Christmas music so much that when I was recently in a situation where I had one hand on the steering wheel of my car, the other hand immovably stuck with fingers between the bars of a cat carrier, and the radio chose that moment to go from being white-noise rural-hellscape static and tune into an endless

The part of this that makes me angriest is that it’s all so fucking unnecessary. What’s the point of using nukes on ants? Why pull out all this firepower in this primary?

I haven’t revisited the series, but I remember speeding through the first book, and then getting more and more disappointed as the series went on - I don’t think I ever finished it all.

One of my friends got a BB-8 toy at a Christmas party I was attending. We all had a great time watching her drive it around the room, and then when it came up to me I bit its head off.

I am well-employed, a good conversationalist, and get the reference in your username, so I think I should get first dibs even though once we got in a snarkfest here on Kinja.

Get ready. By the time I was too old to want Breyers anymore (around, like, 17) I had 90 of them. They’re up in the attic of my stuff-crowded townhouse now. I’m desperately trying to de-clutter my life (my mom is the kind of lite-hoarder who can only get rid of stuff if she forces someone else to take it) but I can’t

I have a memory surfacing of how I used to pry open the box lid with my fingers and very... VERY slowly... let the Jack come up. Then I would turn the handle to listen to the music without the fear of him popping up while I wasn’t prepared. Which I think is actually a pretty good work-around.

Oh man. My best friend had one of these and literally never wanted to play on it, and that drove me crazy.

I suspect one’s mom shows up just as one is about to enter the theatre, and spends the two and a half hours that her offspring is inside dismantling said offspring’s hobo encampment.

I had the Jack-in-the-box, can confirm that it was terrifying. I would never play with it on my own, and when my dad played with it with me, he had to turn the crank a few times, wait for me to leave the room, then could continue turning until the clown popped up. After the unpleasant surprise part was over, I would

Season 1 of Broadchurch is the only thing I can remember being excited to get home to watch since I’ve been an adult. Now I’m trying to get into Season 2, and I think it’s still really, really good, but the wait between seasons means I’m constantly forgetting important facets of relationships and character traits,

Well, for one thing, it’s helpful to remember that the Mysteries of Udolpho is not one of the Northanger Horrid Novels - specifically because it was a known work, and not thought to be made up like the others.

The seven novels recommended to Catherine Moreland in Northanger Abbey were originally thought to be titles made up by Austen for the purpose, but have recently been identified, and you can read them all. As is general for early novels, they aren’t exactly scintillating, are way too long, and have weird tics of

I’d believe it if there wasn’t a whole class of men whose entire mission in life is to prove that women don’t enjoy the things they say they enjoy, so that they can be King of whatever crappy puerile mountain they’ve decided to lay claim to.

I’ve never gotten out of Masa 14 for a non-brunch meal without dropping at least $100. Go for brunch, come out absolutely stuffed and drunk for half that, on the same food and drinks.

You missed out on the guy who was on a Serious Mission to “unmask” them from the beginning. I would bet a million dollars that even if they were genuine, bona fide Republicans, Broseph Gordon-Levitt would’ve been prying into their interests, trying to find something to belittle them about.

But lo! Masa 14 has all-you-can-eat-and-drink brunch for like $45. Many’s the Sunday where I’ve been there for upwards of 5 hours, swilling away with another heavy-hitting friend.

“I’d like to see her on the ticket,” multiple men told me. “Not for president, but definitely VP.”

The very very worst is when you’re in a no-shoes but also no-bare-feet culture. When I was teaching in Czech Republic, I had one client who would have me take off my shoes at the door before I went in to teach her 3 kids. One time, I happened not to be wearing socks underneath my shoes (I was wearing ballet flats) and

Failing to buckle a detainee in IS no excuse. His defense mostly rests on the assertion that he never buckled anyone in (not once, they claim in his entire 160-or-whatever arrests he was involved in) in direct defiance of department policy. If your defense is 90% “Well, I was incompetent for a really long time before