1llamarampage will write again

I literally just read an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story in which a plot point revolves around a little girl getting blood poisoning from a cut on her thumb and having to lose the hand! I guess what I’m saying is, at least now we live in a world where there’s antibiotics to save us from ourselves.

I have a soft spot for him too, along with a massive amount of gratitude for him shifting the general Democratic conversation left in a way that wouldn’t have happened if, say, O’Malley was the second-place nominee.

And the fact that the supporters, having been generally uninvolved in politics prior to seeing someone they agree with come to national attention, seem unable to grasp the candidates’ actual goals, and insist on believing that a) winning the nomination is the goal, and b) that goal is achievable, long past the time

Okay, after wrestling with the first half of this sentence, I think I see your point. That being said, the fact is words mean something, and when there’s argument about what they mean, turning to experts in the relevant field is a reasonable and good way to reach mutual understanding.

...with attendees flossing their sparkliest gowns.

Marketplace may have a right-wing bias (although this is literally the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard someone say, let’s move past it and pretend that bias has anything to do with the objective definition of words) but I somehow doubt that the political science professors from two major universities, who are the ones

Well, like the article says, workplace culture is different everywhere. Some places will give you a sick day, but if you take one the consequences can be dire. Some offices, (like mine, thank god) expect and encourage the use of the sick days you’ve got.

I get both, and generous amounts of both. I’m very lucky.

Well, just sit back and feel good about the fact that he’s not going to get the nomination. Think about all the schedenfreude you’re going to feel the day after all the votes were counted!

My best friend’s mother had a persistent cold for a few months - but worked as a manager at a pizza place, what can you do? She was already immunocompromised because of a chronic disease, but when you don’t have sick days or insurance, you don’t have sick days or insurance.

Actually, according to some poli-sci professors on NPR, you’re not the one confused about what Socialism means, Bernie is.

Also parades. The only reason I don’t think Fat Tuesday is the best is because I’ve never actually celebrated it, and now that I think about it my Eid al-Adha Community Block Party idea is pretty much Fat Tuesday.

I’m not even Muslim, but I’ve lived in a Muslim country and I can confidently say that Eid al-Adha is the very best holiday, even better than Thanksgiving, because the only thing you do is eat meat. That’s it, that’s the holiday: you, your family, and a plate of delicious grilled animal flesh.

I see you’re being sarcastic, but Eid al-Adha Block Party/Community BBQ would be absolute gold and you know it.

1-3, or a period of time less than two weeks in duration, ghost away.

Off topic, but is this girl’s absolute swirling mane not fabulous?

This year’s thanksgiving will only be bearable in relation to last year’s, what with Michael Brown and Black Lives Matter being on the lips of every racist relative.

This is making me think Snoop needs to be in the touring cast of Hamilton.

I 100% believe that the moment it looks like this guy might actually be president, the secret service or the FBI will assassinate him to save the world from absolutely going to hell.

I ended a friendship over irresponsible pet ownership, yes. Because, you see, I like animals, and I don’t like people who don’t take care of the ones they’re responsible for.