1llamarampage will write again

Right? The mass production of food is a requirement of our society. The fact that this is posted directly under another about how much money, work, and time it takes to make a simple thing like a sandwich “from scratch” makes this look particularly tone-deaf.

Nailed it. It’s the comedy version of that poet writing under an old classmate’s name in order to get published - unfortunately, in comedy, people can generally see you, so that exact kind of lie won’t work. I can only assume the only reason he didn’t try getting on stage in blackface is because he knows he doesn’t

In regards to his religion, BoingBoing is reporting that his family is Sudanese. Between his family’s nationality and his name, he’s almost certainly Muslim, not that it matters beyond the fact that there’s definitely a racist element to this story.

I agree. I just said I thought it was pretty to keep from saying what I was really thinking, which is that Erin is going to a formal event for grown-ups, not the Renaissance Faire.

Right? It’s one of those things I think is pretty but is also too dated for the prettiness to matter.

I’ve never struck another person, but if someone caused me to either have to endure an extra, unwarranted flight, or to wrangle some other mode of transport to my destination, I think I could do a murder.

You might want to go edit Wikipedia, then, or just get over the fact that people think that a show that is objectively trash is trash.

He’s got to be from California. I’m from DC, and while my office does not mandate ties, the men seem to decide on a day-to-day basis whether or not to wear them, the way I decide which way to style my hair in the morning.

My college friends and I (about 7 of us) decided that A Thing We Wanted To Do was go in on a gallon jug of Carlo Rossi sangria every single week, with the rule being that we had to do whatever we had to do to make sure that gallon of sangria got drunk before it was time to buy the next jug.

I have a much more innocent 7-11 memory, as my dad would regularly buy me a cheese danish there on the days he drove me to school. He always got a JFK 50-cent piece as change, and let me keep it. I still have all of them.

There’s nothing like that blatantly chemical, slightly urine-flavored taste of Red Bull, particularly when you mix it with a mint-flavored gum immediately afterwards.

I agree that it’s an unscientific survey but I just went down the cast list on the wiki page for Real Housewives of OC, and clicked the link to every cast member who had her own wiki page, which was not most of them, and the most any of them had listed for career accomplishments is actress, model, or television

The only living thing I love is my cat, who I call Bunny, or sometimes Rabbit if we’re being formal, despite neither of these being the name I tell other people is her name.

I actually have stopped talking to a friend because of just this - she came back from a trip to visit a parent in Colorado, and was all upset because the parents’ pet cat didn’t “come home” one morning. I was like, let me get this straight, you let your pet cat out overnight on the regular, in an environment where it

I figured you must’ve known, really. Life is too cruel for anyone to remain so pure for so long.

Oh sweet babe, I don’t know how the Real Housewives franchises have passed beneath your notice for so long, but that is precious and should be preserved, so I’ll just point out that the distopian hell-hypothesis you put forth in the last sentence has already come to pass, but I wish I could have remained unknowing as

I think it was more, what makes poop happen, but it was in no way an honest question, merely a way to keep the class derailed so that she wouldn’t have to do anything.

The entirety of my sex ed in school came in the form of a half-year Health class in 7th grade, which was taught by the women’s basketball coach, who had no teaching certification whatsoever (I went to a very liberal but still-parochial private school, where you can get away with stuff like that). Now that I’m a

Hey, when you’re finished your thesis, I’d be dying to read it. This is basically a conversation I have with people all the time, both on Gawker and off.

As a single woman, I’ve found the same is true for “Are you married?” Sometimes it’s the only thing on earth that’ll get a guy to leave you alone.