1llamarampage will write again

Yes, that is definitely what happens 2% of the time people break up. It’s so weird how you’ve only heard about it once, given the thousands and thousands of times it’s happened just this year.

I took a geography course in college, it’s a legitimate science that has a lot more to it than memorizing state capitals.

Right? Give me a woman scorned any day, 98 times out of 100 the worst she does is get too drunk with her friends and make a fool of herself crying over a breakup in public.

To be fair, if I was somehow magically able to convince people to let me fleece them for all they’re worth, and have them STILL come away from the experience ready to cast their vote for me to run the goddamned country, I’m not sure I’d be able to stop myself, either.

Does he steal turds from people or does he steal the belongings of turds?

Ugh I hate that question, because I’m from D.C., where I live now, but I have kind of a weird intonation most of the time that only gets worse when I feel awkward or annoyed - so I get “Where are you from?” “Here.” “No, but I mean originally.” “...Also here.” “Oh. Where are your parents from? Where did you grow up?”

As you should! Neither Ancient Greek nor Latin were very big on silent letters (as far as we know, given our received pronunciations). Also I would pay you for the whole script of that play.

It’s so true. For me, the most important thing the phones show us is how heartbreakingly normal Syrians are. We tend to think of Suria as empty third-world and leave it at that, but the reality is that while the middle and upper classes may have been small in Syria, they definitely existed, and they make up a large

Sorry, in discussion with adults I don’t usually define terms as though we’re all brand-new to the world and unaware of the myriad issues that MRAs claim to be concerned with while actually focusing their energies on excoriating feminists. It’s okay. You’ll learn to keep up or go back to the kids’ table.

For me the cutest one is the claim that abortions shorten lives, as if I care. I don’t want to have a child, and if that means we knock, what - 10 weeks? 10 years? What is the claim here? - from the end of my life, all other things being equal, then fine. I’m all for it

Since it’s actually octopus, octopuses/octopodes, I think it goes penis, penises/penipodes.

Ah, I see. Your engine runs not only on aggrandizement and aggression, but on supposition and dreams as well. Good to know.

Honestly, if just one person said “I’m afraid no one will ever love me for me because I don’t know how talented or worthwhile I really am, and I really want love, even as I see that I can’t disentangle the desire from the narrative I’ve been given my whole life that love is something I’m owed,” rather than just

Did you miss the picture? Even if that had, at one point, been your home, what in that picture would you consider worth risking your life for?

I may have to file a police report, since if that wasn’t a mammogram that PP personnel was doing as she squished my boobs in a machine, I think I must’ve been sexually assaulted.

If women ever had even a slight social or legal advantage to give up, then this would probably be easier. You can’t scream about no one being able to play the game when you’ve stolen all the dice, loser.

When I go home after a long day at work to my quiet house full of only things I like to eat, my books, and my cat, and I compare this to my friends who are married with kids and have to do the whole dinner/homework/housecleaning schtick, I think it sure did pay off to be a manhating feminist at an early age.

Right? I mean, I know I’m anti-male (and also anti-mail, get those supermarket flyers out of my mailbox!) but to paint everyone with the same manhating brush as me seems like a leap.

It’s also pretty typical of an ongoing police investigation - at this point, there might not be much more the University can say.

History is actually mostly replete with examples of large numbers of people migrating to escape conflicts they’re not interested in joining, but let’s pretend you didn’t just drop a turd out of your mouth and call it a talking point. So you’ve (dubiously, so dubiously) covered the “could,” now clue me in on the