1llamarampage will write again

I’m going to Orkney in a month, and just between you and me, I am looking to get LAID. And look at some Neolithic architecture. But mostly: LAID. My body is ready.

I agree re: social anxiety and being introverted. A lot of people talk about “emotional labor” now, and I’m glad that it’s getting some attention as a piece of one’s work that requires a lot of effort, but for me at least it really did help with my anxiety and depression. I’m still the kind of person who needs to

By all means, why have an actual experience when momentary tourism will serve just as well.

This reminds me that a week after I adopted my cat, I got a call from her foster lady who was asking after her, trying to see if everything was going well, and I said “She’s great, but there’s been a mistake, I think you gave me a teddy bear by accident” because that is how cuddly and sweet she is.

You are just sad you don’t have a dog to sit on your lap purring and cling to your jeans with her retractable claws. It is okay, friend. You can come to my house and cuddle my dog.

She’s barely touched all this pond grass I’ve so helpfully piled up for her to eat!

Weirdest dog I’ve ever owned.

You may want to edit your post to include the titles of the two graphs, which didn’t get put in. Without the titles it’s hard to interpret the graphs, since the values for the X and Y axes are the same for both.

Actually, my very favorite thing about the Coco Chanel story is that while she really, really wanted to be a Nazi collaborator, she fucked it up at just about every turn, to the point where the Nazis didn’t even want to accept her dubious “help.”

A reality that makes them even more pointless.

They may try to use this as a distractor from the impossibly huge OPM fuckup, though. By all means, punish individuals doing dumbass shit on work computers to keep people of thinking about how the entire personnel management department can’t secure their data.

And on the grounds of I would like a government job, and the purge should open up some things in my area of expertise.

Exactly. An actual company will have materials scientists making the formula, the budget for product testing, and lawyers to make everyone aware of how very, very bad it will be if the product hurts people. A guy fucking around in his basement has none of these things. People can try to get on my ballsack about 5-free

This is why you should buy your products from a company that’s... an actual company, and not just some guy fucking around in his basement with no idea of what product testing even is.

Unlike your husband, the guy in the story can’t get it up if he’s not actively betraying someone’s trust by doing so, though, so he’d have to hide it in the garage or in the box of Christmas decorations or something.

It’s gross how he treats his wife, and it’s ALSO super-duper gross how he envisions treating the hypothetical woman he wants to act as his side-piece. Like, you don’t want to pay for dates or put in the effort for romance (although how sweet to be willing to “facilitate that to a small extent,” what a gentleman) you

This is why I laugh. I mean, this house would’ve probably gotten away with it on literally any other day of the year, but by all means, pull it where it’s sure to be spotted by hundreds of the people least-likely to have a sense of humor about it (nervous, stressed parents of young girls) who also happen to be the

In all seriousness if my mother had seen something like this while taking me to move-in day at college ANY year, she would have pulled the car around in a heartbeat. I can’t imagine how sickening seeing something like this would be for a parent, which is why I suspect this won’t just be swept under the rug - I suspect

“But it’s hard to be an adult” is never going to be a deeply convincing argument for why anyone can’t behave like a fucking adult. Like, people who have to make difficult decisions like whether to leave a marriage or work to fix it or just find contentment with the way things are? Those people have my sympathy. But my

That’s called a sex toy.