1llamarampage will write again

Yet another example of how women are socialized to have manners and men are socialized to believe that women will have manners for them.

I am 100% pro- anything that is absurd in general, and especially if the absurd thing happens to piss off rich people. I think this whole thing is hilarious.

Even in DC, one of the most stuck-in-the-80’s conservatively-dressed places, there are plenty of offices that don’t care about your visible tattoos. Mine is one of them - professional organization, excellent salary and benefits, by any definition a “good job,” and while I don’t have any tattoos, two of the people I

Aside from anything else, talking in terms of “yet” a year later is just absurd. Your moment has passed, dear, get over it.

Only four people in my friends’ group has gotten married so far (and each to someone else in the group, so two weddings total) and I didn’t give either of them a gift. For the first one, we were 4 months out of college and I hadn’t gotten a job yet, and for the second, I had come back from living in Sudan for a year

I said none of that, including the part about attacking you. Skipping reading the article in favor of rushing to comments to loudly have an opinion leaves you open to having facts presented to you by the people who actually did read the article, and if you think that’s an attack you are too fragile to be allowed out

I think it’s because they’re soft-soled, so if you don’t pick up your feet they get sucked in quickly, but they’re closed-toed, so you don’t think too hard about foot safety wearing them, and they’re harder to get out of than a flip-flop.

So being elevator-mangled does have its upside, is what you’re saying.

Um perhaps you have not considered fully how much Kristen McQueary really, really needs more access to fro-yo and artisanal popsicles. All that real-estate in Chicago being wasted by the poors, when she knows just the place for the cutest little bistro! Also, a man on the subway scared her once and she would prefer

The only really defensive person I have to deal with on the regular is my mother, for whom every suggestion that things could be different (not necessarily better, just different) is a call for an all-out nuclear annihilation of the enemy, which is now you, you fucking traitor, and I can also say that in some cases,

I’m not sure if you’ve considered this, but once they get rid of all the inconvenient corpses of drowned brown people, she knows this place that would be just perfect for a pop-up cupcake shop!

Kristen McQueary would like you to know that she was not referring to black people whose gross income averages more than $200,000 per annum, and demands to know what the big fucking deal is, anyway, she totally has black friends.

So you can’t really SAY “I wish a giant flood would come and kill all the poor and the brown,” but you can say it without saying it and an editor will give you a pat on the back and the green light. Good to know.

I was shocked to see that child sex abuse has such a short statue of limitations in so many places - when things like that happen, it can take so long for young victims to really grasp what happened to them. While I can see the logic of having some statute of limitations in adult abuse cases (not saying I agree with

When I worked in a busy museum, one of my coworkers told a story about a kid in Crocs getting his shoe sucked into the escalator, and while they were able to free him, he lost a toe. There’s a lot of stuff in the world that’s mostly not worth worrying about, but escalators are at least worth treating with caution.

I feel like having a heel or sandal strap or whatever break and having to limp around all the way home is something that only happens to you once before you make sure to bring your alternate arrangements with you at all times. Since I doubt this is Ms. McCaffrey’s first time at the rodeo, I suspect she had her gym

Thank you, darling. Bizarre and rational are very much the top 2 things I aim to achieve.

This is the kind of timely and on-point humor I come to the internet to experience!

It may seem like I’m up on a high horse to someone willingly swimming in shit, but I assure you that it’s all a matter of perspective. I like the way you double-down on idiocy, though. Have you considered running for public office? In that world, taking a shit out of your mouth and calling it speech is reckoned an

... their Portage Bay neighborhood home—a posh area containing million-dollar homes...