1llamarampage will write again

That was the first thing my eye leapt to as well. I would pay a bundle to go back in time and see this on its premier run.

To be fair, I was a retail drone, not a curator or anything. I’m pretty sure the curatorial staff were pretty assured they were going to get paid. (My dad is also a government employee and he said the idea that they might not all get back pay was never even brought up.) On the other hand, I was a real, live government

Every day I wake up, read something like this, and give fucking thanks to whatever higher power it is that decided to make me asexual. So many women I know put up with so much shit in the search for love, affection, and sex.

I just watched all of Malcolm in the Middle on Netflix, and I’m reminded of the kid in Dewey’s remedial class who is always wearing a sign like ‘SEIZURES MAY BE A TRAP’ and ‘DO NOT CORNER.’ Like, he’s not bad enough to be locked up pre-emptively, but the general public should be made aware.

It’s not slightly. When I was studying food and hunger in grad school, the figure quoted was North Koreans are 7 cm shorter on average than South Koreans, which is a LOT when you consider the populations have only been separate since the late 1940’s.

I will bet you one thousand dollars he calls himself a Libertarian, but has never voted in any election.

This is also, definitely, 100% the type of guy who spends a lot of time online talking about the types of women he “won’t” date/“bang” - as though socially successful people spend any time at all sharing with others all the info on the interactions and sex they’re not having.

If only he was a literal cliffhanger, by which I mean, on an actual cliff hanging by his fingertips, while I stand over him, my decision to help the only thing between him and his plummeting death.

Which has nothing to do with PR in this sense. Supreme Court Justices are appointed by the President for life or until they choose to retire. Who they are has a hell of a lot more to do with who was President when a spot opened up. The process is, in fact, very much designed to shield the Supreme Court from exactly

Part of me is with you on this, but part of me urges those of you who don’t live in the D.C. area to remember that in these circumstances, a huge number of low- and minimum-wage workers will lose their pay - and not be guaranteed to get it back when the shutdown is over. That goes for people employed by the

Unless it leaves the body by choice. If there’s a choice being made somewhere, they are desperately interested. I imagine if you strained to drop a deuce on purpose, like maybe you’re getting on an airplane in an hour and want to make sure all your business is taken care of beforehand, I’m sure some GOP genius

Well, to be fair, the Sudanese government is a machine whose evil is only curtailed by its own incompetence, and I have nothing good to say about it. It was my boss (private school owned by a small board of directors) who made the decision to give everybody full pay.

It was a hell of an experience that I don’t know how to contextualize. On the one hand, there was a literal riot walking down my street for two days, and a few empty buildings about 100 yards from my house were burned down - not to mention, nothing REALLY bad happened in my neighborhood, but some ghastly things were

I used to work for the Smithsonian for a little more than 2 years, and the threat of potential shutdown was an annual experience. We were constantly told that we couldn’t expect to receive back pay in the event of a shutdown, but we might receive back pay. Very reassuring for people making $11 an hour. Again, this

I was trying to work in starting a college savings plan in somewhere, but I’ve heard that brevity is the soul of wit and that metaphor was getting a little stretched.

Again, there is a difference between the word “human” meaning “of human origin” and “a human” meaning an independent person.

It’s true, the major driving factor is definitely “All women want a man - any man - and I am a man, therefore all women want me.”

As a borderline-asexual, this phenomenon is hilarious* to me. Whatever I’m doing, it’s not a sign I want to fuck, it’s never been a sign I want to fuck, please stop assuming I want to fuck you just because I am acting like an adult human being in polite society.

Actually, you never date a chick with cats because you are a desperate and unpleasant person, and women (and probably most other people) can see that and don’t like it.

TSA Causes Massive Delay, Everyone Blames it on the Black Women They Harrassed.