1llamarampage will write again

The UK also has a markedly more sane customer-service culture. If someone’s being an idiot, no one’s THAT fussed about bending over backwards to make sure the news of their own idiocy never reaches them. It’s what comes of having reasonable worker protections.

I would eat the hell out of some Chipotle nachos. I love crunch in my “Mexican” food, but Chipotle tacos, at almost the same price as their burritos but only 1/3rd of the food, are not a good value proposition. With nachos, you could load on as much as a burrito. I really think you’ve got something there.

Some people think the bathroom loads back-to-front (the first person in takes the stall furthest from the door, the next person in takes the next-furthest) but these people are wrong and must be punished.

I actually literally have nightmares about this? I’m not a shy peer (I do tend to look for an empty restroom if I need to poo) but I have literally in my sleep had anxiety dreams about being in a warrenlike locker/rest room where there are lots of toilets but none of them is adequately private and some of them are

You raise some valid points, but on the other hand, being a shy peer/pooper past your first tweendom school locker room experience is immature and dumb. Get over yourself, Cynthia, everyone already knows you lay stinky deuces.

Radiolab once had an interview with a guy who studies crickets who once accidentally cracked a cricket open and the still-alive cricket started eating its own guts. The scientist was horrified but eventually justified it as a very simple animal who needs food to live smelling a protein source and doing what it’s

Right now, I’m in bed on my computer, lights on, and my cat is completely zonked out next to me asleep, for once not actually sitting on or leaning against one of my body parts, just very nearby. I honestly think that for her, when I’m in bed, it’s similar to how a dog feels once everyone in the family is at home -

My organization is fairly small, but takes up two floors of a medium-sized office building. The second floor is markedly less crowded, because it’s mostly the higher-ups who have offices, and offices take up more space than cubicles. I regularly go up to use the second-floor bathroom just to lessen the chance that

Right? To be honest, I feel a little weird about how much I like working. I mean, I like hanging out, too, but really by Monday I’ve done about all I want to do at one stretch and I’m ready to be productive again.

You are not only doing Friday right, you are doing Friday the most right.

For me 1. is All Manmade Things Underwater. I don’t know why. I once went to a wedding on Block Island, and doing research about it later found out that there’s a sunken 1890’s ship at the base of some cliffs there that’s mast is like 5 feet under the surface. The thought of swimming there and hitting a ship with my

My cat does the tail-quiver thing when I come downstairs after getting dressed in the morning, and sit on the couch to watch the news. She shares my bed literally ALL NIGHT, yet the websites tell me the tail-rattle means she’s excited to see me. We’ve been together literally every minute of the last 8 hours, what’s to

Well, all my dogs were long-gone by the time I got the cat. I think I just got insanely lucky - she’s so perfect for me!

I was going to do that (and I never let my various dogs on the bed when I had them) but when I first got the cat, she spent like 3 days just hiding under the couch, and I was really worried - If she wanted to stay alone, fine, but I was concerned because she wasn’t eating or drinking or using the litter box. The very

It’s true, and again, I love all dogs. I will say, though, that I recently hosted my friends’ dog overnight, and oh my god I never realized how annoying they can be? The dog was always either asleep or needing something from me. I would never call my cat independent (she’s codependent, more) but at least she’s

Nah, she sleeps in bed with me all night, sometimes with my arm around her, sometimes on top of my chest, sometimes on my feet. She is just really, really into being cuddled.

My cat also gets annoyed when I stay up late. Which is weird, because if I am home she is next to me being cuddled about 80% of the time - I don’t know why she obviously looks forward to the in-bed pre-sleep watching-Netflix cuddles specifically.

I adore dogs, but I recently got my first cat (I have a long commute and it wouldn’t be fair to a dog).

This is the side of donation that most people aren’t aware of - and it’s not this way everywhere. In the UK, you have to donate TO a medical school or research organization, and what you donate has to be USED by that organization - there’s no dealing in money for transport or the spectre of “paying for body parts” or

I’ve lived in the DC area my whole life, and while I think people here are fine, it’s not like I’ve never vacationed in Minnesota and seen what actual nice looks like. I’m slightly annoyed that this chick is trying to vilify New Yorkers, but I’m downright offended that she’s trying to put Virginians on any kind of