1llamarampage will write again

This article needs to make a much bigger deal about the flu shot - every fucking flu season I have to listen to coworkers with no medical background talk about how they’re not getting the flu shot this year because “Last year I got it and I got sick anyway/Last year I didn’t get it and I didn’t get sick/I hear it’s

Look, I’ve been in the situation where we’re all getting ready together to go out somewhere, and I realize that my outfit is somehow out of sync with the general tone everyone else has going on. Since it’s me, I usually find out I’m going way too formal, but I recognize that not everyone is a neurotic whose greatest

She’s saying that the script SHE looked at had Elle written as a dim person - which may have been different from the script Reese Witherspoon saw, and was clearly different than the film’s shooting script. It’s not a comment on the film, but on what her thought process was when deciding whether to take the part.