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    Lotus Carlton

    UK just voted themselves into a recession, LOL have fun with that morons.... Scotland should have left the UK when they had a chance, now they’re dragged into this

    looks like trash

    The Viper is faaaarrrrr worse than the c7 corvette, it’s not even a competition... looks like an old show, terrible ride, poor ergonomics, sketchy handling at the limit..... the z06 is in a different league for all round sports car.... R.I.P viper

    The FRC/z06 was the best for track/autocross.... but the land speed/mile racers prefer the hatch as it creates less turbulence at the back end of the car and is slightly more aerodynamic

    just another day in paradise, aka the US of A

    i’m sorry you’re so brainwashed

    gosh, you’re dense

    c7r would consistently crush everyone if it weren’t for BOP, then we’d be back at the GT1 days where the c6r chased everyone away into GT2... you jalops really need to lay off the Ford koolaid

    congrats to the ACO

    Ford’s “victory”....LOL

    *Ford was handed a win by the ACO.... congrats

    A scary look for corvette’s future? LOLOLOLOL... Ford was handed this win by the ACO... the GT program will be irrelevant in a couple years, while corvette racing continues to win championships

    is Ford proud of their class win handed to them on a silver platter?... won’t matter, their program will be dead in 2 years max

    The Fords will be in the garage for half the race

    both corvette racing c7r’s will finish ahead of ALL the GT’S.... Fords GT program will be dead in two years tops

    .... and the Ford GT’s will most likely be 30+ laps down after 24 hours...

    go oversteer into a tree with you unsophisticated pile of shit you faggot

    180 mph top speed is slow?.... dumbass