
Thanks to the PC delay they have basically built that in.

I’m really curious about why they feel the need to do this every time. Why do they announce a date for the Windows version when we all know it will always be delayed and released after consoles? Is it a marketing thing or what?

Fool me once, shame on you, Ubisoft. Fool me twice, shame on me. I’ll be waiting until all the reviews are out before even considering picking this up.

Good. Much rather wait for a game to release with good PC features(like uncapped FPS) than get it earlier without those features.

I wanna punch that underscore in the face.

or Red Dead Revolver 3, but who’s counting.

I noted they mentioned Xbox and PS4 but again, no mention of a PC release.

  • (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ (Happy flipping Table !)

Still confusing..

Interesting stuff, I’d never heard of this before

Finally, finally got around to buying Red Dead Redemption, so mostly that

It’s the guy in the header gif playing the Donald Trump training simulator?

I’m going to build such an amazing Ice Wall, believe me, and I’m gonna make Pharrah pay for it.

Most companies keep a storage area filled with still mint copies of their product just sitting there. Usually these are the unsold products that never left the warehouse because the distributors didn’t buy enough, or the product was retired before all the ones manufactured could be sold (as in sold from Nintendo to

I’d love to see how well-maintained their Starfox and Metroid sections are.

If ever there was a place in the real world you’d want to break into, Deus Ex/Hitman-style, surely this would be it. Only instead of hacking anything or killing anyone, you’d just sit quietly in a corner, and enjoy some vintage Nintendo games in an air conditioned office.

All I know is, anyone who puts on a scary clown outfit nowadays had some pretty big shoes to fill.

I’m all for gun control, but in this time of national crisis, I make an exception.

In fairness, the PC folks are getting it for free while everyone on a console had to pay $60.

Now playing

Here’s video clips of it in action in game, seems a bit rough at the moment: