
The day companies get penalized for anything...is the day we have democracy back...

Banished is fantastic, I need to start playing that again!

My friend please that is no way to think, I also have Cerebral Palsy as mild as it is everything is tougher but there are ways around them and I am able to have a pretty good life with just a bit more hard work

Its the little things...

Jeez. Is Kanye’s ego going to handle being bailed out by his lady?

Cool, kid. *

I’m surprised that none of them have managed to break a Million...

Here are my thoughts on MGSV after having just finished it a few days ago.

And if they auction off their properties, Kojima and IGA may be able to scoop their properties back up.

Eh, good would come out of it. They would auction off their properties, so companies actually interested in making games might end up with Castlevania or Metal Gear.

lol oh man that second video... Konami is seriously the biggest Villain in gaming right now arent they... XD

Probably, since EA actually releases games.

I liked the ending BECAUSE nothing gets over explained to the player. You have to make up your own ending in the head. Those are the best kind of endings imo.

Can someone explain the technology behind isolating the vocals? And why do we hear the bass and a bit of drums?

I honestly was thinking it was the wrong link, this could have stood up as the full performance.

Good lord.