This morning, Square Enix announced something totally new: an original role-playing game from a brand new studio…
This morning, Square Enix announced something totally new: an original role-playing game from a brand new studio…
Coked. Coked is the word you’re looking for.
Don’t get the appeal of Uncharted. I get that it’s very cinematic, but what so special besides that?
That dude was fuckin stoked on those toys though
Bombshell: The Last Guardian is still alive, and it’s coming out on the PS4 in 2016. The practically mythical game…
We tweet it out on Kotaku’s account. Keep an eye out!
We’re experimenting with Periscope this year at E3, so here’s an archive of us live-chatting about Microsoft’s E3…
No way shes alive after the events of Ground Zeroes. Shes in a million pieces.
I would hardly call Metal Gear games “mature”. It deals with mature subjects but usually in pretty simple ways.
WTF paz is alive?
Literally, The Terrible Children. Within lore, the Les Enfan Terrible is the project that created Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Solidus
Oh hey, so aside from Fallout 4, Bethesda has another Fallout game coming. It’s a strategy game where you have to…
Getting out of the house and meeting new people is hard. For a long time, I let inertia limit me to the same…
Remember Stonehearth, the city-building game being made by the twin brothers who basically elevated fighting game competition to being a Really Big Thing? It’s out on Early Access on Steam now.
Tom and Tony Cannon know about building communities. Specifically, communities for people who compete in games where…