1994 Flop "The Shadow"

One time I opened the mail of an ex roommate who had moved and never came to pick up mail because it contained a free sample of chocolate and I am NOT SORRY.

Ughhhhh I cringed. Stop embarrassing yourself, Ryan! Shit!

Not just her body language, but his in response - as she pulls away, you can see the set of his face change while he’s also moving closer towards her. That is one angry man.

So I’m not the only one who sees hate, contempt and murder in that woman’s eyes as she stares at her father?

I mean, I understand. I feel those things too, and to him I’d be a disgusting fat pig so...

But still, those do not look like the eyes of a loving and devoted child but rather someone who has to be there, would

I think she’s just very good at hiding how she really feels about her dad. Her tell-all book after he dies is going to be the stuff of legend.

The person continued: ‘‘Everyone is trying to make him stop talking, and the woman is shrinking in her seat.’’

Bell isn’t crappy. I’ve been getting cable, phone and Internet from them for three years. I have no complaints about them.

- Tim Burton, basically.

The Cloon-dog! :D :D

That’s the thing, Jolie generally has roles that are boring/disinteresting to me but I still find her compelling. Aniston chooses roles well but I feel like almost anyone could slide into the roles as do as well or better.

C’mon, I was ready to make a joke about James Blunt until I saw Owl City on this list. Fireflies is probably the worst song since Up Up and Away.

Aniston seems real, and fairly laid back. I bet she would be fun to hang out with. I do appreciate Jolie’s focus on humanitarian efforts and imagine she could hold her own in a serious political conversation, but she seems very wound up.

Oh fuck off. I’m not stupid, you just have a chip on your shoulder that have led you to gleefully embrace a toxic narrative because you think Jennifer Aniston somehow deserves it, despite the fact that she didn’t fucking ask the media to paint her as a wronged woman for 10 years. The past decade of tabloid stories

Seriously though, I wanted this to happen just so she could take the opportunity to remind all the tabloids and gossip rags to openly mourn and clutch the pearls over Brad’s single status as was done to her for so many years.

I have a feeling the first thing Jennifer Aniston thought when she heard the news that Brad and Angelina had split up was “oh for fuck’s sake, now everyone’s going to badger me for a comment”.

Shit I’m just happy being able to look at Justin Thoreaux so I’m sure she’s fine

i’m sure the women were talking about me, and how both their husbands desire me intensely and how it’s putting a real strain on their marriages.

Awww, I think he tried the “high five” move, which is good for kids - much lower commitment and less intimidating than a hug or handshake.

Kate’s outfit is divine. She looks absolutely gorgeous.

I find this an odd thing to get in a legal battle over. Of course it’s his prerogative to do so, but the comments he made seem so innocuous overall. Honestly, who cares? Is he trying to cozy up to TS or something?