1994 Flop "The Shadow"

Okay so, this is weird because literally today I was trying to remember the names of the two movies about friends with benefits starring Ashton and Mila Kunis. So it turns out “Just Friends” was the one with Mila and Timberlake. I wonder how their salaries compared.

Yeah, I commented on this on Facebook- I doubt Trump has any legit fetishes outside his narcissism. Masturbating to his own power and “awesomeness” is infinitely more satisfying than any actual sex act. Hence why it’s not hard to imagine him as a sex offender.


Naps. Bubble baths (if you drink, a glass of beer or wine in the bath is fantastic). Binge watch something funny like a sitcom, or revisit old favourite movies!

Those salads make me understand how famous people can actually be so thin. They look delicious enough to eat for every meal.

But have you ever been to Disney ON WEED?

I generally gained about 10-15 pounds when I went on the pill...hopefully my hormones haven’t changed too much!

I don’t have a resolution, but I’m going off birth control for the first time in 5 years! Not trying for pregnancy; trying to increase my sex drive which will hopefully convince the ol ball n chain to get a vasectomy. I’m sick of being fat and not horny. But nervous that I’ll get a mid-twenties breakout.

I had a fortune teller start telling me about my boyfriend who was three feet away. She was baffled. I was like uhh can we switch?

According to Brian Dunkleman, he’s a douche of major proportions

Anyone else have talking toys with questionable annunciation as kids?

Wow...it’s so incredible to watch her as a young woman. You can tell that even as she’s not entirely comfortable being in the spotlight in such a way, she can’t help the trademark sass.

Agreed! I don’t want to feel obligated to have sex, but if I did feel it in such a strong way I probably would exit the relationship. I love sex and it makes us closer, so paying attention to each other in a more romantic way makes me want more sex!

Haha I doubt we could get up to that, we do have sex! It’s just nice to have a romantic night to focus on each other once in a while, I feel like that way it makes the other random times both more frequent and enjoyable.

Yep! He works a 9-5, I work 4-midnight. We are suuuuuper lucky if we get one evening together a week. Otherwise it’s basically just random path crossing. It’s difficult so its nice to be looking forward to doing something on a night off together, otherwise we end up being super lazy...not the sexiest.

Yeah, the article puts it a little too mathematically for me. I love quickies, but one thing that gets wearing is a lack of any romance/effort/foreplay in the sex life. However, we’re both so busy and tired that when we have a couple hours together we usually just veg out. So I think planning a date night goes a long

I’m not proud to admit I laughed at that. I’m a liberal, but not immune to the automatic hilarity of the words “nipples protruding”.

Said basically the same thing up thread but less succinctly- why is scheduling hanging out suddenly unromantic just because you’re in a long term relationship/living together??

I feel absolutely the same way. Living together with two incredibly different work schedules does not spontaneous romance make.

Hey, so I’m feeling a little down this Christmas...