1994 Flop "The Shadow"


Yeah, he kind of had me at “three to five power baths” but lost me at light up dinosaur shoes being tacky.

Well guys, this proves it. Chris Pratt is never going to get old, is going to be the breakout star of our generation, and I’m fully cool with it. He’s charming as fuck in all movies, interviews, social media and brief appearances on Anna Faris’s podcast. He will be charming and funny and hot forever.

He’s...very unenthusiastic. I think I’ve been very understanding. I don’t drink at home because I know it’s a temptation. We’ve been together five years, he’s never been a partied but he’s always drank enthusiastically with me and we’ve have lots of fun nights with a board game and a bottle of wine.

Hey guys, I know y’all respond well to boyfriend problems and I need mad advice so let’s do this.

Ivanka is not the president elect and it would be a conflict of interest for her to directly influence policy, so.

My favourite is the one who somehow thought Trump would solve the wage gap?! Even if you buy into his “I love women. Women are tremendous” bullshit, was I asleep when he acknowledged the wage gap?

It’s Trump, the most famous “con-artist” in the world. And his biggest con still fooled millions. Sad.

My sister switched medications this summer with basically no warnings from her psychiatrist about side effects, and I’ll just say the side effects were fucking disastrous on her and our family. Like with Kim’s hostage situation, I seriously do not care what anyone’s opinion is on these people- they’re human beings and

I seriously wish more celebrities would get publicly drunk (obviously not including the ones who do and it’s “sad). Ben Affleck is usually cringe worthy but was quite funny and endearing when tipsy on tv.

God damn.

As much as I dislike this coming down to religion as opposed to science, I am OVERJOYED there are people out there willing and able to use these hideous Conservative’s own tactics against them.

My family’s first ever DVD (lol) was a season of The Osbournes (LOL) so I used to hack up my Barbie’s hair and colour it with sharpies to make Kelly Osbourne Barbie.

He’s not even bad looking. He comes across well spoken. I’m sure he has plenty of issues stemming from his “blown out eye” but he was confident enough to approach a television reporter...

I was going to say. On video he comes across as intelligent and even somewhat attractive. Right up until the part where he starts talking about how posting sex videos without consent is his first amendment right.

Sooo confirmed that Mariah Carey has fishy farts.

Hey guys. I might be in the greys and I know this is an SNS type post but I missed the boat. How do you break up with someone you still love, after five years?

Ugh. Don’t feel bad.

Feel ya, except I’m in an LTR and neither of us have ever wanted children...like to the point I’ve convinced him to get a vasectomy in the new year.

Okay, comment to everyone with a problem with the term working class: the point of the comment was that I am interested in hearing any experience related to this cult. Way to miss the point.