Renault R8 Gordini from 1966

There was another O-ring failure before the van was raced...

thought you said erector seat haha

Ejector seats? or did you mean it in an erotic way

The grey one tries so hard, but got no where, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter.


Didn’t you say in the Offroad enzo video something about an F40?

That faint yellow isnt XTREME ENOUGH!

You mean a non-hovering hoverboard that was incorrectly named?


Does it qualify for F1?

“You sure you can handle THIS baby?” Than proceeds to roll truck and continue on.

That rocket ship looks more like a car than Faraday’s “car”.


17,470,659, 1 more and I would’ve been happy

Isn’t every Pajero a good one?

I’m getting hyped for this team like I did with the Nissan LMP-1 NISMO, hope this thing does well! (obligatory nismo le mans insult joke)

They didnt want Nunavut

I do believe you mean 1885, not 1985,

Come on, how awesome would it be to read about Doug’s problems with an Alfa, besides, you are not a true petrolhead until you own an Alfa.

when i read that, i imagined Fat Albert in a wheelchair taking off faster than that