Renault R8 Gordini from 1966

“Hell” Cat? Anyone?

We ares still waiting for GT to include an interior for the Supra, and about 600 other cars.

Ster if yu cri evritim

Guess there wasn't any monkey business! ...

Shame this doesnt have more stars.

If your serious, that doesnt sound like a good idea...

R8 Gordini, for when pesky potholes and traffic gets too much, hop off the road in an inconspicuous little sedan that rallied, owned by rally drivers, and had its own one make event.


I love that gif!

Flying car next year has past safety tests and has not crashed.

Yeah... Btw, do you have a spare battery and carb cleaner, I need it.

The face reminds me of...

Ok, thanks

I died

Yes, No


Torch has been there!

How about driving a full size RC car your friend built?

Torch, you type surprisingly well for smelling chloroform. Good write up!

I don’t ride a bike yet, but my getup would be like this.