Renault R8 Gordini from 1966

If Montoya hadn’t quit NASCAR, He would have an issue.

Renault R8 Gordini, What says, screw you like a rear engined sports car like this, small cars like these will only get rarer, and with there being basically NONE over here in america,she won’t know what it is and will think It’s some rare car based on the stripes, and she most likely went for a *ride* in it, she’ll

I had a scale 2014 car, halfway through the season, I put it up.

You have no idea how much it sucks to be a fan of McLaren.

The Destroyer, short and simple. All you need to know.

They feel good.

You’re a mean one, Mr Grinch.

I can see a tuner following,

Best. Walking. Chair. EVer.

Uhhhh Herbie Duh!

(Dont take this seriously) The Vanagon fanbase is so neglected, it didn’t even make it on this list!

I feel bad for this guy, the comment made me sad, but to have a father who would sell a Miura! A Miura! If only all people were as good as him.

A while back, mines rear ended, killed the engine, by a Tacoma no less. But we replaced the engine with the same type of boxer it had before, and it ran. Gotta love that Fahrvergnugen!

Mines an Assuan Brown Samos Beige two tone L model with curtains.

The VW Vanagon (non westfalia) community, there's the Doka, the L(mine!), synchro, standard and the B Porsche motored one. Over shadowed by the T1, it just was never popular.


Give them this, We all know children like hashtags, so what button do you have to press with shift to get hashtag? 3! So i nominate the Peel P50 for it’s three wheels. And why spoil them anymore with 4 wheels and safety?

Spend that star on a marshmallow.

Let's not Group B this sport.

I want a Godzilla vs Gamera fight.