Renault R8 Gordini from 1966

Im willing to take that chance!

Did you guys ever watch the movie Rubber? A evil tire goes around blowing peoples heads up.

wut, i bet the next person who buys it makes no promises.


Ever had any tense moments when driving?

Ha, I do love that car in NFS HP2

I know, I love it too, but now, for everyone who blames the car and not the driver, they will hate this car.

That’s the face of evil.

you know what would be my dream car? A GT with 4WD like the 918, Roof Exhausts and the 918 weissach package.

I personally think the GT looks better. That engine cover is the best engine cover.

I feel as if it has been overshadowed by the 918, and got a bad rep for the Paul Walker crash. It is an amazing car.

I want to negative star you.

What was the original color the car came with?


Can i has want.?

I want to do this!

“Ford Exploders”

Lucky you, all I had was comic sans

I'm moving to England.