Now that’s original. I mean it’s not like Boomers invented video games 50 years ago or anything.
Now that’s original. I mean it’s not like Boomers invented video games 50 years ago or anything.
Who the fuck cares.
He was the custodian who lost his broom handle to Ridley, who then gave it to Chuck to use as a lever to seal the door after Chuck broke his ribs chasing Glennis on horseback.....god, I’m so weird.....
No, we got the point, and it’s stupid.
Not in 1947.
So your people are French then?
Well said!!! Wish I said it first.
If you had RWD you wouldn’t have front wheel slip.
You’re most welcome!😊
“I drive a 340bhp car .....”
65 years old.
It’s just been overdone to the point of being boring. In 1970 it was great.
There’s something wrong with me. Seriously, I wasn’t “normal” to begin with and now, thanks to “social distancing”, working from home, ageing boomer shit, and cartoons, I think that’s really, really cool!
“And I’d keep one eye on Helmut.”
No, Trump bloviates, grandstands, and personally attacks people who call him on his bullshit, and the gets criticized for bloviating, grandstanding, and personally attacking people who disagree with him. The trash comes from his supporters and hanger-ons who would be mental if any one else did the exact same thing.
You know, it’s funny, I was thinking in ‘72 it was like 4 large, but it seemed ridiculous! I still love those things, guessing you’re enjoying yours!
First, that’s for the entire run, 12years. Second, “large mass” in terms of 70s would infer Corolla, Beetle numbers. Finally, these things were comparatively expensive in it’s day. I should know: I desperately wanted one when I turned 18, in 1972. If my memory is correct it cost about $3,500. I bought a 1972 Chevy…
There wasn’t a large mass of buyers for this car in the early seventies either, but it sold enough.
Yes to everything you said.