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Don’t believe everything you see on the internet.

It’s like a Geo Storm and fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.

Its not cool to take parts off of ANYONE’s car. Period. Doesn’t matter if it happens to be a car you or others don’t like or like either because there sure are a number of cars that people congregate around on this forum and hold dear that I personally find obnoxious.

Is this where the hamsters are housed?

I've been a Tesla fan for years. But I'm going to make a guess that perhaps Mr Musk saw that indeed the other automakers are catching up. The Bolt is promising the same kind of car that Tesla claims they will "eventually" make ( that is after releasing the super expensive Model X next year or whenever) But the cold

Can't put my finger on it... but these feel a little forced. Good idea. Not so great execution.

So agreed. We've allowed this to happen precisely because everyone gave up and let someone else decide for them.

That assumes that a truck is used to do work. Looking out in the parking lot of my company I see at least 10 full size trucks. We are a software development company.

Typical Democrat owned media, editing a story to fit their own agenda, trying to build their own version of the "truth". They completely edited out the part where Asimo pulled out a rail-gun, started screaming something about meatbags, and went running amok in the streets until his battery died.

no, jesus christ why is everything so black and white. The ultimate answer here is shit happens. 99.999% of the time but the other 0.001% shit happens and that's what happened here. It's not like GM hasn't issues recalls over the past 10 years. It's just that shit happened, people died as a result. Life is not squeaky

So, in deals as rare as unicorns, buying a new car makes financial sense. Thanks for the info, TTAC.

What if I farted?