
Color me surprised. I still don’t trust them though. PS: Can I please be un-grayed? Not sure why but I’ve been grayed out for over a week despite being on this site for years.

I was bored one day when visiting my folks back home. So I went to one of the local Chevy dealers and there was a used Buick Encore sitting in the lot. First of all these must lose value like mad. The one I looked at was a year old, 20,000 miles and priced at $16,500. It was a fully loaded model too. It was actually

Good, because these things are useless. A former coworker bought one. I’m a small-ish, 5 foot 7" man and I had to lean forward from hitting my head on the ceiling in the back seats.

Trump and members of his campaign committed crimes that should have had them removed from their positions long ago. That’s really all I care about, what a raving lunatic now has control over the country and the utterly corrupt party that he stands for is enabling and protecting him in the process.

Oh yeah? Well horses and buggies didn’t run on gas...

Let’s be serious for a second. Trump has in fact, broken the law. Several of them. If the Democrats take back the house I trust they will hold him accountable for his crimes and ultimately seek a means to remove him from office.

Holy shit. Its the first time I’ve heard of anyone in this admin not deciding to be totally shitty.

This guy is probably some sort of paid troll. Flag and move on.

They don’t seem to have a problem buying Teslas. That or buying up the many BMW, Mercedes and other products made in the US either.

$36,000 for that? Jesus. Is the outside made out of silver sheets instead of aluminum? I know Airstreams are pricey but that seems like a huge amount of coin for what looks like a very tiny camper.

Nah... In the end the law will catch up to Trump. There’s simply too much dirt with more being added all the time. The only thing standing in the way is congress, which will hopefully be taken over in the fall by Democrats, whom will then actually hold the president accountable versus letting it all slide like the GOP

The big question is... will this... finally be the thing to end the freak show? I mean it seems to me that an awful lot of people tied to Trump have gotten into serious trouble and yet the guy at the top somehow manages to weasel and lie his way out of everything.

Its honestly easier for me to automatically assume that these clowns will support him NO MATTER WHAT. Either they are that dumb, brainwashed or otherwise utterly clueless. I actually have one or two friends who are trump supporters and every time another bombshell goes off I ask them how they feel. They always come

Ahh shaddap... You are tiresome and a bore... So go away.

I had no idea they were still a going concern

And good gawd is it ugly.

Oh goody! See? We knew it. So glad that you’ve learned the errors of your ways and figured that home-grown facism wasn’t in the country’s best interests. Glad to know you were just kiddin’ us and that you think Trump is a piece of fecal matter.

I feel honored that you wasted all that time writing 2 pages of text that I didn’t bother to read.

Just a reminder, You are a big time Bernie supporter because you admitted it. Also remember that I can out-troll you any day of the week. ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa!!!!! Also remember- Trump enjoys licking Putin’s shoes after he steps in dog manure.