
We’ve seen this before when Americans went ape shit over full sized SUVs and trucks during the late 90's- early 2000's. And domestic automakers let their cars wither on the vine to the point where they were jokes. And we all saw what happened: they suffered financially for years after.

The more basic and direct answer as to why Trump got elected is because there are far more racist, xenophobic dumbfucks then could have been imagined and they are super scared that things are changing for the better and somehow they can’t deal with that. So they elected a person who represented their deep-down bigoted

I really don’t care if you’re a democrat or a republican. But I trust you too see that Trump is neither and is causing a lot of damage to the country. If a more sound minded Republican were to challenge him and win I would be all for it.
And yes- numbers do matter. The millennial and post millennial generations are the

There are far more of us than there are of you. There are now two huge younger generations that are now eligible to vote and they lean mostly to the left- or to put it more plainly- they aren’t batshit crazy.

In 6 months time we will vote and help correct the mistake you have made and when the day comes with Trump is

What he said he would so is nothing more than a whole slew of nonsense made merely to appease his ignorant, xenophobic base whom are too dumb to take responsibility for their lives and instead would lazily blame someone else, and he gave them someone to blame - those immigrants, the poor, and so on. His agenda is rife

You did a much better job of describing the level of stupidity I see in statements like “ Oh yeah? He’s just doing what he said he wuz gonna’ do” then I did. Thanks! Good response

You are ignoring the fact that China decided to retaliate against our tariffs with their own tarrifs against our goods. Unlike Trump’s plan which was sloppy theirs as seen was more carefully focused and diversified to hurt numerous US industries. Starting trade wars tend to lead to recessions. A recession under this

Well... you do recall that the GOP and their supporters thought Obama was the devil for all 8 years over a whole lot of nothing right?

I’ve heard this repeatedly from Trump supporters. Granted I have no clue as how you voted but this statement makes no sense. What he said he would do and what he “is” doing will have the exact opposite effect of what his supporters were told. If he keeps it up we will be in a recession in no time. In that case it

In other words trump yet again weaseled hiszway out of it. Great. Now we’re stuck with a deranged lunatic for 2.5 more years. But at this point he’s actively ruining the economy and Irvine you want to piss of rednecks, take away they’re jobs.

...and yet I’m sure trump supporters are totally unphased that their leader is more or less on his way to engineering a recession based on nothing other than ignorance and stupidity. Ironic given that for decades the Republican Party was supposedly the party that stays out of the way of business and whines constantly

Then maybe you should also try out for becoming a professional football player too

Why that is all crystal clear

You are right. It makes me even more correct. Thanks for pointing that out to me as I already knew

wait what? This seems very cool and yet this is the first time I’ve heard of this.

Since what you mentioned wasn’t a fact your argument is thus null and void.

So he hasn’t done anything? If so- oh pray tell me exactly how Tesla, SpaceEX and Paypal came into being? Your only argument is pretty childish and shows a lack of understanding of how actual companies work. I’ve got news fer ya’... ALL CEOs spend other people’s money. That’s their job.

The fact remains that he has accomplished far more than the vast majority of CEOs whom are more likely to sit back and collect massive paychecks and get golden parachutes in the end whether they succeed or fail. The history books are filled with ingenious people who invented things like AM and FM radio, the integrated

I suppose what I said went right over your head. Read it again and maybe it will make sense a 2nd time...

Clearly what I stated previously didn’t click with you. Like I said- go out and do what Mr Musk has done- even a fraction of it- and then get back to us. Otherwise all you’re doing is playing Mister Armchair critic and nothing more...