
Don’t forget the rednecks up in Norcal in the mountains. There’s a whole bunch that are into some make-believe state that they want to create called “ the state of Jefferson”, because they’re all mad that the state votes very liberal and they’re of course big time trump supporters. I’ve always been curious why they

I’m originally from the South and after I moved here I too was blown away by this. Seriously- California Rednecks can “out-redneck” pretty much any of the other more “classic” rednecks in the south by a long shot.

Here’s something for folks not from California: Get outside the small cities and it very quickly turns into redneckland reallll fast....

That’s why I can’t sell my now 23 year old Tacoma. I’m almost 41 and I bought it when I was 18. That’s an awful lot of adventures, girlfriends and now 12 years of marriage. I actually make a fairly good income and could afford to buy a brand new truck. Even my parents get on my case about the rattly old truck. But

Well hey, If folks in West Virginia want to elect an asshole then let em’...

I’m your same height, 40 years old and married to a woman who is close to 6 feet tall. I’ve never cared about what people think of me and how tall or short I am and neither has my wife. It doesn’t matter. If there are those who think its a big deal then those folks are probably losers anyway.

These guys are idiots, plain and simple. The last several special elections have shown an outright rejection of Trump and the circus he’s made out of Washington. They deserve to lose their seats in 7 or so months.

Its hard to pass judgement when the car in question only exists via idealized 3D rendering. No seriously- until the thing actually exists then we can judge whether its a “good idea”

Its amazing I haven’t electrocuted myself yet. There has been more than one instance where I was working on a chassis and the thing was still powered up after the last test. After the last time I bought an iron core isolation transformer...

Its worse when you’ve done a lot of them and should’ve known better. At least there is some degree of safety: one of the older guys I know told me that back in the day old chassis mounted electrolytics would sometimes blow right off- as I heard one story of one that shot through the drop ceiling. The new ones have

We’ve all done it. Like for example one time I overhauled a nice tube amplifier and stuck the main power electrolytics in backwards. When that happens they tend to explode, which they did almost instantly.

Why is this guy still President? No seriously...

Just to be clear blacking out means you lose your vision or pass out? I’ve had that happen once some 20 years ago. I cannot imagine doing it ever again as it was really awful and I felt like shit for 2 days

I wouldn’t call it biase. More like suspicion because forever and ever Hyundai made the most awful cars and even after they started “doing better” the cars were at best somewhat mediocre. I have no doubt they are better. But given that I have a 23 year old Tacoma that’s gone almost 300,000 miles without much more than

Time to let the bees out

Just a reminder: In about 7 months every single person in the country must go out and vote. If we do then we can in fact stop this stupid shit show. Enough it enough..

I stopped listening to commercial radio years ago. Now I listen almost exclusively to independent stations, almost all on either tunein or some other streaming app on my phone.

I’m not a Chrysler fan but this is a really nice looking truck, both inside and out, and the proportions for once actually look nice versus how most other full sized trucks these days where they more often than not look like some weird, stretched out thing.

Excellent. I be the he won’t even read them.

I don’t really care  about your service.