
Ole’ Keebler can crawl back to Alabama as far as I’m concerned. Screw that guy.

It is hideous looking.

My suggestion? The current commenting system is really frustrating and from a conversation flow perspective- useless. The way it works now is that only the first few people who manage to comment first actually get any sort of responses and this in turns dominates the response thread. The rest of course are hidden away

The definition of a “Wagon” seems to have shifted dramatically.

Further proof that some of the upper 1% are idiots.$300k? For this? It’d better come with a complimentary stack of solid gold bullion for ballast.

Stick a Dodge badge on it and it screams Dart

Dude, The upper percentage of this country hasn’t been “penalized” for anything in decades. That and the GOP seems really hell-bent on giving them one handout after another for nothing other than that lobby organizations heavily spending on the GOP’s behalf for their representative monied interests.

Its more that I don’t think he/she has thought this through entirely. Its ok as most people don’t really understand how the economy really works anyway.

Ok, so assuming that I accept your argument then let me ask you why do the upper 1% of the US population deserve a tax deduction- which is more or less what this tax bill was- over anyone else? Its exactly the same thing...

Well why should my taxes go up and not basically anyone who lives in any of the red states? The tax bill was passed with the outright knowledge that those living in higher cost states- as in states that mostly vote for democrats- would suddenly have to pay more.

I skimmed through the link you are using as proof of his accomplishments and of those most are either meaningless or totally counter-productive. For example, the top item on the list- the tax bill. That bill has actually raised taxes for millions of people like me just because me and 38 million other people live in

Initially I was really excited about this until I saw that its not road legal. Taking that into account this Jeep is more or less kind of another toy akin to an ATV, 4-wheeler and so on. If it were at all road legal that would be a totally different ball of wax.

So out of curiosity are you overriding the Volot battery’s discharge rate? On my Volt if I baby the thing I can maybe manage around 39-40 miles and thats when its warm- warm being here in California and over 65 degrees.

With the Volt battery and Tesla motors I can’t imagine it goes all that far.

Yeah, I was there visiting my folks there in December. There was a damned speakeasy! Just astounding given that all while I was growing up that after the world’s fair and Jake Butcher downtown was a shithole- as in Gay street was boarded up. Back then you could buy a whole building for $100k. Last time I was there a


I think its key to look at the ongoing investigations concerning Trump and his admin and compare that to Nixon’s Watergate. On its face Watergate was far less complex and involved far less people. It took close to 2 years of investigating before the situation with Nixon and the tapes came to a head.


If there were zero evidence of that then there wouldn’t be an active investigation into it.

Like WTF is up with that weird inner tail gate?!