
Are those really “redneck states” though? I’m a Tennessee native and down here we have a whole nother’ level of redneckery

She’s 29? Why is it that nasty people always look a whole hell of a lot older. I pegged her for being at least 35 and maybe even 40.

So in other words none of the redneck states are buying EVs. PS: I am from the South so don’t flame me too much...

Its legal here and generally speaking the bikers will go to the furthest left lane of the freeway and the car drivers-if they’re polite- will scoot over a bit to the left to give them room.

I’ve never lived in New York. Any idea of a comparison of the level of cold the two get? I have no clue. As an ignorant California guy its basically that we feel that the entire northern half of the country to us is probably one giant glacier. Probably.

And boy do they have a LOT of those too. I recall after moving there that it seemed that every damned corner had one. Even in the subways. I miss their coffee.

For me its that I never really lived in areas that were that cold. I grew up in the South, then moved to Boston for a few years and absolutely hated the weather. I live in California now and that has totally ruined me. I now can barely stand it if it gets below 55. What used to feel warm and balmy now feels freezing.

I’m sure all of those are true. But man.... those winters...

I lived in Boston for 2 years. The winters were.... AWFUL! As in it sometimes physically hurt to go outside. So yeah.... sorry, at least for me that’s a big no for me.

And the thing too is that it takes a MUCH smaller impact on a bike than a car to get seriously injured. I had a head on collision with a car that turned up the wrong way in a turn some 20 years ago. I was barely going 20MPH and he was going slower then that. The impact threw me off my bike onto the sidewalk. I was

They also have a pretty nasty history from their earlier days if you care to take a peek...

...And they’re still playing catch-up.

Why do people live in Chicago anyway? Freezing ass cold in the winter, brutally hot in the summer. And then add this into at as well...

I rode for over 7 years and had a number of close calls, mostly from other people who didn’t see me. But the bottom line is that with motorcycles you usually get one chance and that’s it and in many cases you will either get seriously injured or killed. I quit riding after the last close call

... its a 3D rendering of something that I can barely tell the shape of. Someone might as well have scribbled a flower pot on a napkin and said” ooohhhh... possible car!”

Your not alone. I’d buy one right now if not for fact that my wife says she needs a car that will go for 100's of miles at a time- which the Bolt does, but she still isn’t comfortable with the idea. These are fast little cars too. A co-worker of mine has one and despite it being heavy it will almost instantly smoke

I’m not exactly jealous we don’t get it here. It looks like a damned Camry and there’s no shortage of RWD sedans to choose from.

My truck is 23 years old so its probably due to age, but the sun here is pretty brutal on paint too. It ain’t cheap: a decent one is like $3,000. Oh well... as you said, better than having holes rusted through the car.

I didn’t realize they were fleeing until watching it a 2nd time. Duh, my bad...

If they are enthusiasts they sure don’t know how to ride. Whats up with the four wheeler guy continuously running into the divider?