
This about the only luxo-barge SUV that really will do well offroading. I’m sort of thinking of getting a used 90's variation myself. Very well engineered machines for sure.

Even the carpool lane sucks and whats worse is that I swear, on a daily basis there will be at least 2-3 people who aren’t in an EV or otherwise are not actual carpools who get in the carpool lane behind me. That’s probably why its almost as slow as the other lanes. That and for no real good reasons it just stops at

I live here now and 880 is AWFUL! As in I dread having to go to and leave work only because of that shitty freeway. Yesterday for example I believe the average speed was like 18 MPH all the way home.

They look the same...

We in NorCal have other names for our freeways and usually involves adult language.

If that’s the case then they’re failing miserably at that too seeing as how the Alfas they’re bringing over can barely stay on the road without breaking down.

I don’t understand why Chrysler decided to let this thing die on the vine. When it first came out it was amazing. Almost like a retro American car from the 60's. They could’ve continued in that vein, continued upgrading and improving cars like the 300, even introduced more models that were also stylistically

Mickey Mouse?

...and why might that be? Lessee here... Tesla has so far:

Nice job, Geely...

Dumb American question: What does VAT stand for? Value Added tax?

Thanks for the clarification.

How is it not a luxury car? I’m sorry but as someone who has actually driven a few they are very much so a luxury car and furthermore they’re far more innovative than anything BMW, Mercedes, Audi, or anyone else has. Why else do you think Mercedes has taken a few of these apart and why don’t any of those other

Its like he’s drinking tea

OTOH there are probably folks who live elsewhere who wouldn’t mind having some of cars and trucks here in the US. Humans are predisposed to want what they cannot have.

They aren’t that cheap here either and I literally live 20 miles from the factory. They are around $75,000 for the stripped down version, $135,000 for the fully loaded model with the performance package. I imagine that there’s some kind of import tax over there and so that probably means that they cost roughly the

I have a friend from the UK and he talks about how that they have a “VAT” tax on vehicles with larger engines as well. So it sounds that the same is true in Germany. And so now that makes more sense as to why these are selling decently there.

It barely has any Mercedes parts. I looked it up and its basically a couple of switches and the shift stalk...

Well... it helps that its basically the only all-electric, long range electric luxury car you can buy. I know absolutely nothing about their market but do they have big import tariffs? Does the government there give buyers big incentives? I’m just curious as to why its selling well there. Granted I live in the San

Those were some of the most reliable GM cars of that era. I knew quite a few who owned these with well over 200,000 miles with hardly an issue.