
That’s easy for you to say but then again if making an EV luxury car was so easy then how come Tesla has been literally the only automaker to have such a product on the market for going on 5+ years? How come every other year BMW/Audi/Mercedes/etc etc HUGE multi-billion dollar car company struggles to even get their

BMW hasn’t built anything yet and Tesla has been producing a legitimate luxury EV for years now. So while it might be easy for you and BMW to say that they will surely be better than Tesla.... why is it taking them YEARS to even come up with a idea as to what they’re going to build in the first place. Say what you

There’s quiet a few Bolts at my office now and honestly the cars look pretty good and I might even dare say “normal”. Its actually one of the nicer looking EV’s out there. The Model 3 to me sort of looks like a fish with that strange front that’s squared off where a grill might have gone.

Sorry but with regards to the Bolt you’re not really making an accurate statement. The Bolt, which has been on sale for almost 6 months has the same EV range as the model 3 but yet costs less. Oh- again- its been on the market now for 6 months, which means by the time the model 3 finally comes to market the Bolt will

I’m tired of it. Just tired. Tired of his bullshit, his lies, his immature behavior, the nasty GOP that stands behind him, his seemingly brain-dead supporters who worship him, and furthermore- tired that he hasn’t been impeached yet.

I get a sneaking suspicion this will be just like every other more recent GM car ( aka- Cadillac, Corvette, etc ) where no matter how good they are people will ignore them and continue buying the same cars they’ve always done.

Replacing the timing belt on my Brother’s 98' Avalon. Jesus Christ. You have to dismantle half of the car to get at the thing. We spent 2 days solid doing this. We lacked a air wrench or a torque wrench big and long enough to get the shaft pulley off. I welded one out of scrap metal and that took both of us pulling on

What’s up with Trump’s picks in that so many of them look like drunks?

Got a vasectomy 2-3 years ago. Now I am so very glad I did.

Where in the fuck do these evil shitheads come from? Its like the absolute worst in humanity was chosen for the highest positions in the land. And here they are, proceeding to legislate or rule upon some of the dumbest, most archaic crap that most Americans don’t even agree with. That somehow a tiny extremist right

Seriously one of the best things I’ve read here in years. You deserve some brownie points for sure. See? There’s still good in the world!

Using religion as an excuse to discriminate is no excuse to discriminate. Furthermore if there are those who really and truly believe their “religious beliefs” are being “violated” over baking a cake or whatever then they are also failing to exercise their Christian belief of forgiveness for if they believe they have

So that means they’ll let this racist, shitty law go into effect until October?! Like why in the ever-living fuck do they need to wait for 4 months to “hear” the constitutional merits of this?

BMW needs to consider adding more differentiation between their models. Yes- I get that BMW and to a lesser degree all of the other German luxury brands have always prided themselves on being tastefully understated with their designs but at this point all of BMW’s cars look pretty much the same regardless of model.

Yeah well if you stuck those cars in the ocean they would lose... because cars can’t float. Maybe if you stuck a outboard on one and placed it in a canoe....

Wonder how fast that it going. It looks like its going pretty fucking fast, as in at least 30-35 knots or more. Amazing given its a 100,000 ton ship.

Yes indeed. IMHO perhaps the finest show ever made.

I seriously don’t get the whole “retire to Florida” thing. People spend their entire lives living up North or the Midwest shoveling snow and having their cars eaten alive by road salt then just up and decide to move to Florida and to some generic, engineered retirement community where they will be surrounded

I can’t imagine trying to squeeze one of those things through some of the quaint, narrow roads going through the French countryside. I know because I own a big ass land yacht myself and its bad enough here in their “native” land.

That’s sort of hilarious really. I figured GM must have been smoking crack if they thought Europeans would buy those things. Yes- the diesel versions of those cars were awful. But the gas versions of the Crown Victorias for example will go forever and ever. They used Crown Vics as fleet taxis for decades and it wasn’t