
For me it was the Toyota FJ Cruiser. When it came out it looked amazing. I wanted one pretty badly. Went to the dealer and saw the sticker: 15 MPG... Holy shit. That’s more or less full sized 1990's American truck fuel economy. I passed.

This guy.... was extremely lucky.

Yup. Makes for a far smoother engine. Briggs and Stratton, Honda, and Tecumseh ( back when Tecumseh was still around ) makes them. Interesting that the engine that appears in the video looks to be a Briggs “Sprinter” engine which are as bargain-basement-basic as they come.

A lawn mower engine is about 200% less complicated than a typical car engine. So its not exactly very accurate to use one for a test. Sugar could do all sorts of nasty things to the injectors, various sensors and catalytic converters, of which the mower engine has none.

The “backup” engine on these works very differently than it does on the Volt for example. Basically the engine in the i3 is a tiny 2 cylinder deal that is meant to get you back home versus serving as an alternate means to drive around. That and the gas tank holds very little fuel too and is good for 150 miles. The

I wonder what the noise is like in that shower. Ever wonder why the sink and toilet on your typical plane sounds like a vacuum cleaner? Its because due to the pressurized cabin the plumbing on board has to have a sort of negative vacuum to remove the water. Its usually pretty loud. Not sure I would enjoy listening to

While its sad to see Mark go there is a sinister, nasty part of me who always wondered- WTF was up with the mullet?

Man that brings back some memories for me. My Grandfather had an 86 Ford F-150 with an inline 6. It ran forver and ever too. The best part was that the interior was made out of vinyl and you could hose out the floor.

It’ll be great forver. Until the dashboard lights start flickering, some weird overly-complicated clutch thingy fails, the head liner sags and other things that VW’s tend to have happen before they hit their 50k mark.

I found this on your site. Here it is.

These are good beater-commuter machines. Despite 100,000 miles all I’ve done to my Volt is change the oil twice and the transmission fluid once. That’s it. Dirt cheap to operate and run. That and used ones lose their values like a rock.

As an EV nerd type guy I dislike the i3 for more than just looks. It is an expensive car for all the wrong reasons. BMW chose to focus heavily on carbon fiber, which is costly. They then manage to introduce the i3 with barely more range than a Leaf, which costs $10,000 less. I don’t care if the car is made of steel,

I really don’t like the i3.... because it looks really stupid. Putting that aside the depreciation of EVs has nothing to do with their longevity. I owned a 12 year old Prius before buying a used Chevy Volt for dirt-cheap. I put well over 250,000 miles on the Prius, now over 100,000 miles on the Volt. I will be trading

More stupid shit for rich people.

What will be even better to say is when he is NOT the President. This sideshow has gone on for long enough. The investigations cannot come sooner.

I saw the news this morning and for the first time since before the election I actually felt a tad giddy. As in that small, tiny and long-ignored voice in my head suggested that yes- maybe this time “ for real” Trump’s gonna’ lose his job. I cannot see how the many will get out from under this one. He’s been lucky so

Oh yeah? I heard that people who think Lexus makes the best cars in the world are full of crap.

How is Trump not losing his job over this? Anyone else at any job who were to do anything like what Trump does on a seemingly daily basis would have resulted in getting handed a pink slip.

I’ve given up any hope that Trump will ever get impeached or resign. We sat through an 18 month period of having this madman ramble on and on at nasty rallys full of angry people and we all thought he had no chance in hell. But lo and behold, despite what ‘should’ have been instantaneous defeat he won and now here we

I know that I will likely be proven wrong again because let’s face it- Trump should have never become the President for too many obvious reasons. The man seems to be made of teflon and nothing sticks.