
Seeing as how successful Google glass was I’m not sure I would agree to take a flight on said blimp.

His supporters “ did it” because they have been steadily spoon-fed a diet of AM radio talk shows using an ingenious and highly financially successful model of placing blame of XXX problems- either their problems or whatever other problems might exist on liberals, immigrants and the poor for decades. And then came

What should they be called then? Either way the folks who did this are shitheads.

First gear. Jesus. Chrysler has been the most fucked-with brand ever. I feel sorry for them.

I didn’t think of that at all but yeah, those caskets weigh a shit ton.

Thats the most janky-ass looking thing I’ve seen on here in awhile. Whatever was done to it added lots of weight and the rear suspension wasn’t compensated for either.

The interior looks like the interior of hell.

I wish I was as entertained by something like this. Life would be a lot more enjoyable.

Best by a long shot: the 22 year old small 4 banger Tacoma I still own and bought brand-new. The truck has had no major problems. Ever. Even after 265,000 miles. It just goes and goes and goes.

I’ll take D:

... That didn’t answer the question though...

I’ve had a Yahoo email account since around 1997 or 1998. At this point I am about a nano-centimeter of switching over to Gmail. In the last year Yahoo mail has become barely usable not only on desktop but my phone too. I can’t even check it on my phone anymore as it simply locks up and takes minutes to refresh. Its

So are you suggesting you are in full agreement with this then?

I knew numerous people who owned 90's-era Explorers. The interiors made me wonder if Ford had contacted Rubbermaid corporation and asked them to design it for them. Just an awful hacked together mess of squeaky, cheap feeling plastic.

That must have smelled god awful. Ever burnt cheese on the stove? Well imagine that amplified 1000's of times over.

Its Fr-Fr-Friday!!!!

I don’t know why but I find this amazingly hilarious!

I get a feeling that you’re younger than me ( 40 ). And so you are nostalgic for things that to some of us are somewhat awful. The car above is to me the opitome of the US automotive industry of the 90's. Big balloony looking plastic things designed with metrics and no soul. My grandmother still has a 1997 Buick

Why would people buy this in the first place? Its a damned bag of pulp!

Seems like we’ve seen airless tires for 20 years and yet I’ve yet to see any of these on a production vehicle