
Its been pretty bad around here ( Bay Area ) ever since I moved here 20 years ago. There are parts of my commute where everyone has to slow down since the pavement gets rather rough.

I am going to rant: On a daily basis I have to dodge huge pot holes on my way to work. I’ve actually destroyed a tire in one of these recently. Some parts of the freeway I travel on ( 880 ) are more patches than clear pavement.

Ah crap. I said the same thing and didn’t see your response. Yup. Exactly!

I can’t even believe the image is real. How is it possible to fill a frame with so many shitheads?

I couldn’t put a finger on what Pence’s face reminds me of until just now. He seriously looks like Cotton Hill, Hank’s dad from Kinf of the Hill.

It doesn’t.

Time will tell. What Tesla has succeeded at is making their actual brand and product desirable in the same way Apple products are. Everything they announce is sprinkled with magic fairy dust in the eyes of the public.

Seeing as how 500,000 people signed up for the Model 3 within weeks of its announcement tells me there’s quite a demand for it even in the mainstream areas.

And yet we buy the absolute shit out of Chinese made goods. But to be fair- does the US have a tarif on Chinese car imports?

I’m not dismissing them. Rather I have been enjoying the rich irony that here we have not only VW, but multiple large manufactures not getting their shit together when it comes to EVs. Even BMW, who does have a few EVs hasn’t done much.

I think whats clear is that making electric cars isn’t as easy or straightforward as many of these big automakers might have thought. It seems like every other week there’s some new story about Porsche, BMW, VW or someone else claiming they have a “Tesla Killer” but yet they are all years behind. The German automakers

Maybe, Maybe not. Remember back when everyone said that the Model S was all vaporware and it would never get produced? I saw probably 5-6 of the things on the way to work today. Tesla actually has real products on the road now plus a gigantic factory to make their batteries too. VW has some concepts. Big difference.

Yeah. VW is taking the EV market by storm and Tesla will surely be all scared. Yes- maybe VW will have something in a few years.

I have neither of those issues. Taco Bell is basically flavored cat food meat made to look like tacos.

Ha ha ha ha! No, I was talking about squirrels. But who knows.

Mowers and power equipment, especially the stuff from the big box stores have simply gotten shittier and shittier. Its not like they were amazing even 20 years ago. I know because one of my high school jobs was to put together riding mowers from crates that came in to the big box store I worked at. Back then they were

I bought a few Bluetooth transmitters on eBay a week ago. These were THREE DOLLARS each. Want to know why its so difficult to bring back manufacturing to the US to the scale it used to be? Because we can’t make shit that cheap by a long shot.

They’re just big rodents with tails anyway.

Me too. I knew someone would refer that and I was so happy they did.

The guy sounds like a robot.