
You know what? The Democrats said exactly the same thing about the GOP in 2008. They got cocky and lost the house and a lot of the senate two years later.

As another person on this same post responded with all activity occuring this cycle is from the last fiscal year, which was all of course under the Obama Admin. Earnings have been coming out in mostly positive territory. Those earnings were again- generated during the last fiscal year.

The link seems to show the car being in a semi-restored state. Not sure that was a great idea. If I were to spend a zillion dollars on an historic car I’d rather see it in its as-discovered state versus restored...

Is it nice? Sure. But if you’re going to make your own company and spend the effort to tool up and whatever why not design and build your own car versus making replicas of someone else’s designs?

I guess for me I would compare “new” GM to “new” Toyotas, which is their closest rival. I have owned Toyotas exclusively for 25 years and only 3 years ago bought a used Chevy Volt. IMHO Toyota’s interiors and their fit and finish are where GM’s was 10 years ago. Its functional and works but its cheap and flimsy. The

What he fuck is that? Exactly how many millions of dollars were spent on this thing?

No, you’re just a troll. As such your commentary is worthless. Enjoy it while it lasts “ buddy” because after Trump is impeached you guys who supported the Russian puppet will have your asses hanging out in the open.

Shut the fuck up troll...

There is no “If”. Trump is simply telling another lie. Its bullshit. Plain and simple. He is lieing to distract from the fact that his campaign was entangled with the Russians. But its not going to work. He will be impeached sooner or later. All that needs to happen is for the digging to continue and for the full

Again- and I’m asking the question. Are you really serious? I could easily see how you could be simply being facetious and if so- Bravo!

Are you serious? No. Really. If you are I’m embaressed for you: still trying to prop up that joke you call President- the guy who runs around making insane comments. I just got back from Vacation and was on a media blackout. So now Obama wiretapped Trump?! What in the ever-living fuck? And you’re still ok with that?


I feel that the US automakers bridged the gap between Japan’s automakers some time ago. I used to ONLY ever buy Toyota and Honda cars or trucks. Still own my 96' Tacoma which I will NEVER ever sell. But anyway having gone from the god-awful, POS Corsica that I drove 23 years ago in driver’s ed to a car like the Cruz

So if you did move to the Southern US would you need to be near a metropolitan area or would living in the sticks be OK? Rural areas will be significantly cheaper than areas closer to a city or a university. The poverty levels in some rural areas are often higher but that also means the cost of everything is cheaper.

Why do people east this shit? Its just potato starch.

Why do people east this shit? Its just potato starch.

You are welcome and feel free to ask me anything about those areas.

I’ll add something to this too. California has a MAJOR affordability problem, mainly because everyone lives in the cities and the freeway traffic is so bad living far outside is out of the question.

Oh but it is. Bulbuous is super hawt these days in case you hadn’t heard.

Ha Ha Ha!!!! I love that scene and my wife and I joke about that all the time... That made my day.

MeatLoaf BeetLoaf.... I HATE Meatloaf!