
rabbit turds

I used to be sort of a hothead behind the wheel. After a few experiences I’ve learned to realize that its just a stupid commute. If someone is an asshole, just let em’ go. Its not worth it. Seriously.

I just took a shit.

His followers are sheep. They take pride in their stupdity. They are also very eager to brush away any facts about Trump as fiction, generated by “ the media”. They ignorantly think Trump loves them and stands for their beliefs. They will never-ever admit to having made a mistake.

No, The “downfall” you speak of was the result of a carefully engineered, heavily funded ( Koche Bros and their various umbrella orgs like Americans for Prosperity) fake astroturf movement, the Tea Party, where a fake dialog was generated to create synthetic rage. It worked like a charm.

Well lucky for you whatever healthcare plans you might have had privy to will probably be giddly done away with by your new leader. Yes. Now you can sit back and tell everyone how happy you are that the gubbermint is out of the healthcare business and you can go bankrupt all on your own without that pesky government

If that were true then the ACA would’ve never happened. Rest assured though- if Trump continues acting like the shithead he has been when he comes to office the GOP will lose their power soon enough.

Morning fuckface....

Like I said- You failed to address a single thing I said and again- because you can’t. Let me give you a reason why. Its called The Guilt by association fallacy.

No, its more that people with brains are tired of your embaressing dumfuckery.

shut the fuck up, dipshit.

Yes. perhaps more aptly put...

Yes, silly that you’re a fuckface.

And that is exactly what I expected from you. Whenever you guys get backed into a corner and presented either with facts or statements that you can’t answer without looking like an embecile you go off on a tangent about how its “ all the media’s fault” or some other nonsense. You aren’t fooling anybody.

Are you daring to call me an alarmist?

You need to listen and listen hard to what I have to say.

LOL, whatever fuckface.

Understand what I said. You assume that we will simply sit around and become complacent, fully expecting Trump to be a normal President. Meaning he is at least sound in mind. You would be mistaken. Prepare for immediate, outright monumental resistence such as the country has never seen.

Well... the CTS wagon in general was a sort of Unicorn. I’ve seen like exactly 5 of them around here in the Bay Area and so yes, they are fairly rare things. But what about an ordinary CTS-V sedan? Same thing? I’m not an expert but I’m curious.

He actually lost by around 3.5 million votes. More of us will be calling our elected officials to oppose this asshole than those who were stupid enough to be fooled by him.