
Adults tend to make wise decisions and thus I’m not sure what “ adult” you must be referring to...

Really? You admire his business prowess? The man went bankrupt 4 times and also lost almost a Billion dollars. And unless you’ve been on a total news blackout then you should have already seen exactly what his “political prowess” is. Its weak. As in when China stole on of our underwater drones and Obama demanded back

You are clearly a very confused person if you think that there is any kind of parity between the kind of hateful, racist, xenophobic, ignorant bullshit the right has been propagating for YEARS and all throughout the last 8 years starting from day one and the protest coming from the left AGAINST racism, xenophobia and

The douchebag you guys chose to lead this country chose a reknown white nationalist to his cabinet. Pray tell us you are ok with that. I dare you to answer that.

Its not rage my “ friend” its called reality. Your sense of reality is on a totally different planet if in your little pea brain electing someone who brags about sexual assault, cheating people out of money, and choosing people to lead important roles that are either outright incompent or inexperienced then like I

Understand that there is no difference between “ anti-Trump” and “ Anti-Stupid”. Its fair to say many human don’t exactly care for stupidity and thus rationale to express displeasure over such things.

Get used to it. You guys chose the wrong person to lead this country and if you think the rest of the country is going to sit back and be ok with the dumbfuckery you just chose then you would be very mistaken.

They didn’t build any minivans. They just stuck on a shit ton of cameras and sensors and then applied some cute logos...

I’ve seen stranger things. As in there are people who collect vintage Amana Radarange microwave ovens...

Agreed. I showed that the data collected to show unemployment figures is the same as it has been since 1884. Yet that didn’t sink into his head. Oh well. Typical Trump supporter...

Grow up dude.

The design of this looks remarkably generic. Almost like its a Kia, Hyundai or some other kind of econocar...

No I’m not and clearly what I’ve told you isn’t registering in your brain. Obama Didn’t “fake” the unemployment numbers. He used the SAME FUCKING STATS that George Bush, Bill Clinton, George H Bush, Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, LBJ, JFK, and ALL other presidents since 1884 have used.

I’m trying to make this clear and easy to understand... the methods used for calculating unemployment have NOT in fact changed. The BLS puts out a monthly report using the same means of measurement as they always have dating back to 1884.

You helped me prove my point. Your “proof” is from a former BLS government worker who now works for a right-wing think tank. Second of all, you chose a 4 year old story. Lastly, the BLS is still using the exact same metrics it has used for decades whether the reports came from a Republican or Democratic admin.

Its a good thing this wasn’t “ made up”

And... you’re wrong....

No he didn’t genius... the unemployment reporting numbers are exactly as they have been for decades. But then again I’ve heard that same bullshit you guys spew from your little rathole right winger sites.

What did I just say? The FBI and the CIA Both have concluded that Russia was in fact behind the hacks of the DNC AND that they did so to influence this election. Those the the two largest intel services in the country. So what... are you claiming they don’t county?! Jesus Christ, What more do you want? The Pope to

He did way the hell more than any other Republican dumbass before him. For starters, unemployment shrank to historically low levels. Even after a recession. And secondly, why do you think Putin is now trying to fluff his feathers and make off like he’s some badass? Because his country was crippled by the sanctions we