
It looks like an old Ford 500.

Sorry to pile on, but I’ve lived around the country: born and raised in the hot humid South, spent a few years freezing my ass off in Massachusetts, now live in California. Yes. Its expensive here and the taxes are high. But you know what? Weather plays a BIG role in daily life and I can distinctly recall waking up to

Do you even need to ask? We now have a guy who has no business being anywhere near a position of responsibility or governance as the godamned president-elect. If ever anyone could have imagined a greater horror to befall a country they would have been hard-pressed to see what is transpiring before our horrified eyes.

These things were garbage when new and adding 10 years to it isn’t going to make it any better...

Amazing. He’s already on the road to being impeached and he hasn’t even been sworn in yet.

Yet another person who is made out of liquid evil.

Well... A few things. Firstly, none of we in the civillian world actually know just what all of the F35's capabiltiies are. Secondly, its not our only jet aircraft and we have perfectly competent, competitive jet fighters already out there in large numbers. The F35 provides a different sort of role. Planes like the

I’m sort of like... who cares?

I’m sort of the same. Its like Trump is trying his hardest to fuck the country over as quickly as possible. His picks for running everything so far have been a freak show of horrors. Yeah. So I’m basically becoming an alcoholic because I’m going to need to be kept totally sauced for the next four years...

Its not really about these planes getting detected but how much sooner the F35 can detect the other plane- which it can from a siginifigant distance. Also- Russia “ Claims” a lot of things... not sure how much weight I would put into those claims without actually see the goods...

I have worked in tech for years, currently work for one that treats employees really well and I like working there a lot. I also make a rather good amount of money. But that said, here’s the thing: If I were younger then I would probably be having a difficult time now.

The F-35 was never intended to be in “dog fights” simply because whatever plane an F35 might encounter will be long known by the F35 before the enemy is even aware its even out there. Long story short, it has the advantage of more or less being the equivelant of a “sniper” plane.

Its more an issue that Billions have already been spent to either updatre or design ships to use these planes. The downward facing exhaust on these can melt concrete and so some serious modifications had to be made to not only older ships, but newer ones too. Of course they’re not going to cancel an order when the

Holy Shit that is a really nice XJ! I assume its not from Mass since the salt would’ve eaten it alive by now.

Yup. And they would be a LOT more polluted if they didn’t have the regs we have. The cities in California that are polluted are all cities located in what amounts of bowls. Hardly any air circulation to speak of so particulate matter simply hangs in the air. Take a look at what Los Angeles looked like in the 60's. It

Y Jamon!

It would be nearly impossible to shut this program down. Its not just the planes. Its the ships that have been designed to operate with them. And on top of that, its not just the US that has custom-designed ships to carry them but other countries as well. The UK’s brand new aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth is

In all seriousness California will continue to call the shots with cars. Its the largest market in the US by far and any automaker that wants to do business there will have to follow those regulations.

Let’s translate what Trump said:

3rd Gear: