
Not like it matters anyway. Most of those states also have severe obesity and thus heart disease and diabetes too.

So you found a few people who disagree with climate change. Whoopee. Now let’s compare them to every other major scientific organization around the globe that do not. Your examples above do not prove a thing other than yes- there are climate change deniers, just the same as there were many of whom believed the earth

You writing skills shows the average intelligence level of the typical Trump supporter. Not very high I’m afraid...

Virtually every single leading scientific organization around the globe AND the US defense department both aknowledge global warming as well as the future threats it represents. Those are the facts.

You aren’t making an apples to apples comparison.

I can’t agree with you on some of what you’ve said. Do you recall what it was like under GWB? Basically the entire Western and frankly most of the Eastern world hated our guts and thought the guy was an idiot. I would also not blame you for forgetting that of the vast majority of the issues Obama has had to deal with

To be honest, I am well beyond the point of giving the Republican party any kind of consideration or breathing room. At the end of the day they were the most responsible for creating the environment that led to their base becoming disallusioned enough to elect a dangerous person to the Presidency. From day one of the

Really? Music and the choice of movies has never been greater than anytime in history. I’m pushing 40 years old and on a daily basis I will try and find new and different music from bands and musicians I’ve never heard of on Youtube, independent radio and internet streaming stations and so on. For music we are in a

Little did they know then what would happen in 10 years: Americans apparently went insane and elected a total douchebag as their leader.

Wow. I totally remember these ads. Usually came on at about the same time as Transformers and He-Man

Could be that they named their watch something that sounds way too similar to the Motorola Peble. In fact that is what I thought this was: a Motorola product.

It looks like an old Acura.

I’m still simply baffled that such a total dumbfuck won the election. I still cannot fathom this guy in charge of the country. He sounds like a 9 year old kid when he talks.

I see their plan... stick someone in charge of the education system and make sure the kids get crappy educations. You see, the GOP needs to have a steady and reliable supply of uneducated dumbfucks to make sure they can win elections in the future.

Then you are dumbfuck.

There are reasons why the President should not call certain leaders without consultation or context. If - in this case- the call pisses off a major world power- then no, that is not such a great plan. The concern over these random calls that Trump is making is that it makes him appear wreckless and ill-informed which

That looks disgusting. I see no need for there to be “beauty shots” of the product either.

Yes. He is awake at 3:00 AM. But when Trump is awake is when he tends to make big time fuck-ups. Personally if Trump were to hibernate for four years that would be ideal.

What the fuck does that even mean?

I’m not saying GM was innocent. But regardless they didn’t intend for their ignition switches to fail from the onset, which is signifigant.