
I worked in advertising too. I cut my teeth on it back in around 2002-06. Mostly online stuff like banner ads, email and landing page campaigns, microsites... stuff like that. Everything from cars, real estate, electronics, and whatever. All kinds of fun and crazy fast-paced. Hardly any of the things I used to make

If anyone wonders how in the fuck Trump happened and where the wingers became bat-shit crazy, its this kind of crap right here- where they get all of their “news” from...

Why would this ever have been proclaimed as an “Audi Slayer”? If it was Ford, then their fault. Otherwise how was the car... for a mid-level family car?

I wouldn’t go to the Salton Sea as a standalone visit. We went there on a trip to San Diego. But anyway I would describe the visit this way:

The military used the deserts in Nevada for their outdoor laboratory for decades. In fact I recall reading a book about some of the open air nuclear weapons testing during the 50's: some were close enough to Vegas that some of the casinos handed out sunglasses to their patrons to go look at the pretty fireball in the

That is... until the tractors suddenly procure a tooth for... humans! Yes, rampant, out-of-control tractors that eats humans so it can harvest corn is the only thing that could be the result of thid...

The last time I was there were with friends. We all like junk so we went to the local thrift stores and goodwills. I swear every other person stank like alcohol. I suspect the city has a serious drug and alcohol problem.

Let me repeat what I initially said, and its not like this is exactly rocket science: In order to produce hydrogen you have to use MORE energy to do so. That is entirely and utterly different than simply using an energy source directly. That is not the case with a battery where it simply STORES the energy that was put

I went to Reno this past winter. We used to go every other year just for the hell of it. That place is seriously one big shit hole. I can’t think of any other descriptive term.

Ho hum... another richy-rich dude and a laboratory-clean warehouse full of typical rich-guy cars. whoopee. Come on over to my garage. Its actually a garage.

A Camry.

Rare earth metals aren’t used in Li-ion batteries. For Cadmium batteries, yes, but as of now the Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf, Tesla Model S,X and 3 , the BMW i3, Mercedes Electric Drive, VW Electric Golf, the Plugin Prius, and the regular Prius ( basically all EV’s currently produced) use Lithium Ion batteries.

That’s not my point though. Ok, so let’s assume that somehow we had a sea of solar panels and hydroelectric dams to crack hydrogen: it would still take more energy to produce that hydrogen than it would to simply charge a battery instead. Hydrogen isn’t a fuel source. It is a fuel “carrier” and as such will always be

This thing is priced in hipster dollars. It's still grossly overpriced though.

The bigger issue is that no matter how its generated, it will always take more energy to actually produce hydrogen than the hydrogen itself actually creates. As a “fuel” its inefficient. As of right now the cheapest and easiest way to make hydrogen is in cracking natural gas.

The price is the killer here: $100k... for that? Like seriously WTF?

Somehow I don’t think that’s a good idea. What is Cadillac known for from its legacy? Over-the-top giant sedans. Hence it would make sense to do exactly that, right?

Will it fall apart in 4 years like other VW’s?

I hope the Johnson supporters read this. Because we all know what happened in 2000 and had things gone differently, perhaps our world would be very, very different today.

Somehow I knew that this was in Brooklyn just by seeing the picture.