
The one and only Ridgeline I’ve seen barely has what I would call a truck bed. There was seriously enough room for a coupla’ suitcases and a set of gold clubs. This isn’t really a truck. Its a modern-day El Camino. Even the old El Camino was more of a truck than this thing.

Your comments above: BWA-HA HA HA HA!

I’ve only seen one new Honda Ridgeline. One. If Honda was onto something perhaps they’d be selling like hot cakes. It’s not a truck. Its a Honda Pilot with the back seats removed and a small bed stuck on. Put in the same lens, if I hacksaw the rear of a Chrysler town and country off and stick a bed on it is it

There’s already a zillion comments here but whatever. This “change of heart” from Trump pisses me off on many levels. It does so because Trump must think that Americans are extremely stupid: To have spent 18 months spewing the most toxic, insulting and bigoted rhetoric and then suddenly proclaim that he’s the new

They are much better. A whole lot of the 4 banger engines you see in today’s econo-cars are packin’ more horsepower and torque than even some of the big V8's in some of the pony cars from just a generation back. That and they are cleaner and more fuel efficient.

Let Sleepin’ Dawgs lie.

Or Krystal ( White Castle up North)

Well, That makes sense if its true. I mean otherwise its a totally meaningless name for a car.

Anyone care to explain where the term “ Spider” came from and what it has to do with cars? Is it just randomly applied? Oh look! It's a spider!

Nope. From now on it will be Trump. Trump, Trump and more Trump. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.

Trump is full of shit, sells made up full of shit stories and his full of shit believers hang onto every. single. word.

Any of you driven a Model S? A rich friend of my friend had one and let me drive it. I own a manual too. Sorry but the model S was wayyyyyyyyyy more fun.

Anyone else find it amusing that the word “scat” is used in the name? At least where I come from in the South the term means excrement. As in “ oh look, I see bear scat on the trail.”

They’ll have to make a new series of tubes!

I see this stuff and wish I was richity-rich-rich-rich. Because I would absolutely have a number of cars such as this and just for the hell of it, actually drive the things to work, to the grocery store or whatever.

I know nothing about development costs, but this car is 400k, placing it significantly higher than say- a Ferrari or other super exotic cars. This car doesn’t “ look” like 400k. Then again who knows?

This is stupid. If there are people with 400k whom are eager to spend it, then build the fucking cars and sell them. Duh? Ford is a multi billion dollar company do clearly it's not that huge of a deal.

It’s back but getting people to stop acting like lemmings whom ot buy BMWs and Audis because they’re “supposed” to mean luxury us a hard thing.

I can’t help but agree. And yeah, those Herbie movies in all practical sense of the term were pretty stupid. Even when I was a kid I thought the same thing.

Yes... we must have... Ordah!!!