
Spoken like a true Trump supporter. Come back when you actually have something original to say that wasn’t scraped from the front of his campaign page...

Agreed 100%. This might have more to do with VAG not being pleased about being “showed up” by some scrappy upstart company ( Tesla ). Why else would the Porsche exec make snotty remarks about Tesla’s seats? At the end of the day they are years behind Tesla and they know it. By the time whatever VAG comes up with the

Watch out for the remote control diesel jetta. Its a trap and will spill diesel all over the track!

If we were talking about this in 2013 I would have eagerly knodded my head in agreement. The new Vette is in no way the gray hair, white belt wearing machine it used to be. PS: I am 39 years old and this is the first Vette I’ve actually really liked.

Agreed. Because the waiting rooms the owners of those brands, of which the owners will visit frequently, are apparently nicely appointed.

Why should this be surprising? We all know Trump Wuvs Putin and many Republican voters do too. Seems that a Trump Presidency would be highly beneficial for Russia.

I can slightly concur....

ha ha ha ha!

That sort of doesn’t make sense seeing as how these days the Stingray is in many ways better than a Porsche and it costs less. Plus it doesn’t smell like a douchebag.

Dumb question: Why is it that ( at least here in the SF Bay Area) I’ll see 10 Jaguars, a billion BMW whatevers and X number of Porsches before I see a single new Corvette? Personally I LOVE the new Corvette and feel that if I wanted to spend that kind of money for a car it would be a no-brainer. And yet I simply

PS: None of these firms had any plans or interest in electric cars until Tesla came along. Ironic that by the time they have anything available Tesla will have already had the Model S on the market a full 7 years.

Yeah, that sort of nails it. They were very hit and miss.


I think they’re juggling way too many things at once and furthermore, Apple had to show actual income and profit before they resumed in creating new avenues for business. Tesla still need to start making money before they bite off yet another huge chunk of business. I say this because I hope they continue to be around

Well, what I was getting at was that no, I don’t think any of his plans themselves sound nuts per say. Its more that taking on way too many large projects when there are already so many seems to be financially unwise.

Yeah, I feel the same. Its like- “Hey, let’s make some news! and the news is.... th’ Master Plan!!!”

I’ve been a Tesla fan for years. But I think Musk is stretching things a bit too thin these days. This latest plan would make sense after the launch and successful sale and manufacturing of the upcoming model 3. There are way too many projects in their pipeline, all of which require enormous sums of money and none of

They just threw glitter in the air and took a snap shot.

I own a classic car as my handle indicates. Its not a trailer queen by any means. The interior is sort of shot, I did the body work and paint which means there are some runs, bubbles and other stuff. It is a giant car and so I usually don’t enjoy waxing it. It lives in my garage but is taken out every 2 weeks or so. I

Let me respond with my usual response to such things. Ok, so let’s assume that the GOP got their way and we said- too bad so sad GM and Chrysler, you’re on yer’ own!