
Conveyer belts, that’s what.

Well, my ear is loaded up with ear wax and I too can unloaded it into a truck. Big deal.

Whoah there pardna’.... its only been about a week so you’re a bit early to loudly proclaim that all is perfectly A-ok. The results won’t be felt, if they should occur for some time and the impact starts to actually take hold on the economic output of the UK.

This is seriously about the dumbest thing I’ve read this week.

I love the word “ fart can”.

Yes. I agree that your ignorance is amazing. Thanks.

The car looks like shit. Like the kind of stupid half-assed fart can-mobiles I see on a daily basis. Most of the people here agree that it would be way better to buy an unmolested original rather than someone else’s fart can project.

Shutup dude.

Sorry man but anytime I see a car that’s been all fart-canned up that sends up a red flag. Go look for an un-molsted model instead...

Yeah. Me too. It makes sense seeing as how those bastards wreak havoc in our yard.

My wife and I make a fairly decent 6-figure income. Yet I’ve only ever bought a new vehicle which was 20 years ago for a stripped, basic 96' Tacoma that I still own. Beyond that we always buy used.

This is the only time I’ve seen animated gifs used in a way that’s actually useful and not annoying.

You need to consider cutting your losses and taking this to the yard. While not super common, rats and mice can have something called Hantavirus, which exists in their droppings. If you catch it, of which is done so via inhaling the dust of their droppings you have about a 50/50 chance of dieing.

Oh yeah? I use an axe. Its even better at choppin’ up stuff.

Ohhhhhhhh... Its Hipsters on Parade,


I’m jealous. Of course we ALL want to take go karts, lawn mowers and other stuff on the freeway!

This is a joke, right?

Gummyworms! EEE!~

ha ha, Buttbag. I will gladly steal that name and use to insult others moving forward.